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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

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Friday, October 14, 2011

A Mother Knows

Before I could realize it, Silver was beside me.  Nudging in closer and then the hidden tears fell that I didn't know were there.  All the pain and frustration.  She absorbed every drop.

How does she always know?


Maxmom said...

Dogs are simply amazing in their ability to read their owners. MAXDOG himself took many of my own tears, so I understand.
I hope you are okay. Please know that I am here to 'listen' if I can help in any way. It must be an enormous challenge to deal with your particular canine dynamic too.
Please email me, if you need an impartial friend.
Sending lotsaluv

White Dog Blog said...

They just know and never judge and ALWAYS remind us we are loved. We send woos of comfort and concern. Please let us know if some White Dog Army help is needed...we care.

bichonpawz said...

Dogs really do just know. I am not sure how they know...but they do. We care very much...and understand how hard it is sometimes. Sending hugs and love to you!
xoxo Chloe, LadyBug and the mama

Gail said...

Dogs just have a way of knowing your heart.

Sage said...

Isn't it great that they are there for you and feel your pain? Silver is your empathetic one.

Unknown said...

thats why I love dogs, they feel things that we cant. They live in the moment. Bad days are a part of life but its so much easier having our four legged ones to console us. Keep your head up

jen said...

They are just so in-tuned to us. It is a wonderful gift that they have:)

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Amazing how they can do that, isn't it? Hope all is OK now.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

The Daily Pip said...

Dogs always know! Hope all is OK!

Your pal, Pip

Kristine said...

I hope Silver helped you feel a lot better and that things are looking more positive now. It's terrible you were going through a rough time but I am glad she could be there for you when you needed her.

Take it easy, eh?

24 Paws of Love said...

Thank you so much for your concerns and thoughts. Silver is such an amazing mother dog and just always seems to know before I do that I need her. Her nurturing, caring spirit is such a beautiful gift and she has a way of soothing all those boo-boo's of life and making it all better.

Aren't dogs just the best?

houndstooth said...

Some dogs just have a lot more intuition than others. Blueberry is that dog here. She just has a sixth sense bout when people are upset.

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Silver is tuned into you, her is a good dog fur sure! :) Happy to read you is better now.

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Berts Blog said...

What a heartfelt post. I hope you are ok. Isn't it great to be loved by us.


KB said...

Having a dog who loves you is one of the most amazing experiences on Earth. I'm sorry that you had tears but I'm glad that Silver comforted you.