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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Three days without a computer and the doc says it is OK, we just need to get a few things for it and it should be running like a champ again.  So we will wait on pics and video for a while until all is rendered.

I don't completely depend on a computer for my life, but it is funny how you feel like your whole life is in that box when you lose it.  When there was a possibility of losing some of pictures and video,  it was scary to face the thought of losing such great memories, so I just hugged Chance a little tighter when I went to bed to be reminded that the dogs were here.  Right here.  And I would always have them regardless if I lost every single photo I had.

After I hooked the computer up, I just sat for a minute, taking in the power of this awesome system of the Internet and what I missed the most out for those few days was all of you.  Being part of your great friendships and your furry companions with the notion you will always be there.  It was the first serious problem we've had with our computer and I missed all of you.  It is easy to take a day off and take a break, but it is a lot harder when is taken from you.  White Dog Army referred to it as a lifeline and I never realized the reality of that statement, until it was gone.

So before I start getting all mushy, I just want to thank each and everyone of you for being part of our life.  You have taken dog crazy to a new dimension and we are glad we are not alone.  :)

So, please forgive me while I try to catch up!


bichonpawz said...

We whole heartedly agree with you!!! Isn't it amazing....this sense of community!!! Other Dog Lovers!! Glad you are BACK!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug and the mama

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That is probably a sentiment felt by most of us across the blogs. We are glad to see you back and hope you didn't lose too much.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Gail said...

So glad you're back...

Unknown said...

I learned the hard way once with some pictures from Fred when I first rescued him - I lost all those pics when my computer got a virus one day :( I now back up all pictures on cds that I put in the fireproof safe. Im glad your back :)

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

I'm an addict, also and living so far from friends, family and civilization depend on my computer for some social interaction.

Blogger and it's problems have left me seriously missing my blogging friends.

Glad your back!

Happy, Waggin' Tails, FUREVER!
Stumpy and me

Pamela said...

Glad the problem is on its way to being fixed. It's scary to think how dependent we've become on these things, isn't it?

I hope you're adding a back up system to the goodies you're getting to make everything work again. I'd die if I lost that Brut puppy picture from yesterday.

alfiestar said...

Love your blog have just started following you what you say is so true friendship is so important whether it be real life friends or the wonderful friendships we form on here and often through owning dogs x

Star, Alfie & their mum xx

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hi Y'all,

My Human says the blessing and the problem with the computer is it allows us, the pawed ones, to share and be shared with others who really care about us.

The real everyday people in our lives, not that y'all aren't real, but you know what I mean, often aren't interested in what we pawed ones do everyday. So now we have this whole other world out there...no one should ever be bored again. :)

We've missed y'all. Glad you can at least talk even if the pictures aren't working yet.

Y'all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog

White Dog Blog said...

We so understand. And have missed you.

The memories are not the flickering images stored in the box, they are the pulsing, beat-of-your heart song that has committed every fur and every precious story to part of your being...while it would be sad to lose the images, you will NEVER lose the true memory.

houndstooth said...

Oh, I hate being cut off! For me, a part of it is that we live in such a small community anyway. There's not a lot happening here in our little corner of the world, but out in the world of blogs something's always going on!

Greyhounds CAN Sit said...

I've been an online addict for way too long now, and since I've been blogging it's gotten way worse. I'm so glad you're back in action and haven't lost any of your precious photo and video memories.

I must learn how to back up my photos! I have got lots on CD's but none backed up since I changed from a PC to an iMac 18 months ago. It's a bit daunting knowing I've got over 9,000 photos stored on it in that time!