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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


The Thundering Herd lost one of their own this past weekend.  We will forever be saddened that the Red Team won't be the same after losing their teammate, Kodiak.

The Thundering Herd was the first dog blog I came across, when we were exploring the notion of doing a dog blog and they stuck.  There was something about those 6 Huskies that we could relate to.  :)  They have a special place in our hearts and have become like family.

And while we are still in shock over Kodiak's death, we can't imagine what the hu-dad must be going through.  In an instant, life changes.

All of our dogs are paired with a strong female, male bond.  Sometimes when they are separated for any length of time, it is as if they hold their breath waiting for the other to return.  We are sending special paw prayers for Kodiak's girlfriend, Kiska who also shared a deep bond.

Our hearts go out to the hu-dad and the Thundering Herd.  We are thinking of you.

Run Free Kodiak...

If you missed it, check HERE to sign up for Brut's Birthday Bash Give Away


Unknown said...

We were so sad to hear of Kodiaks passing. Our hearts
Go out to them. Run free red.

Greyhounds CAN Sit said...

Such sad times for so many people right now. But the joy of life outweighs the heartbreak of death ... or else we would all only ever have one pet.

My heart and thoughts go to the Thundering Herd.

Gail said...

It is never easy to lose a member of your family...canine or human.

jen said...

What a wonderful tribute to a great friend. We send out thoughts and prayers their way.

Kristine said...

That is very sad news. Every once in a while I drop by there blog but I had yet to hear about Kodiak. I think it's lovely you have honoured him in this way. One of the best things about dog blogs is that our animals become dear to many people around the world. Kodiak will be remembered fondly by more people than he ever had a chance to know.

FiveSibesMom said...

Kodiak's passing certainly did affect so many of us...our hearts go out to the rest of The Herd and Hu-Dad as well. Run with the angels, sweet Kodiak. How true about the bonds; I see that here with our pack of "kids." We hope that Kiska will always feel Kodiak's spirit with her.

White Dog Blog said...

Life changes in an instant...so true! What a reminder to hug a little tighter and love a little harder.

And yes, we feel a special ache for poor Kiska. We hope her keen senses allow her to sense that her mate watches over her still.

May Kodiak and all of his Herd know peace.

KB said...

A wonderful tribute. I, too, hope that Kiska finds peace. Our K went into a huge tailspin when she lost her brother 7 years ago. She eventually bounced back but not without some permanent changes in her behavior. We are thinking of all of the Herd.

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hi Y'all,

A beautiful tribute to Kodiak. They are one of our favorite blogs too.

They haunt lots of the same territory and we've hoped someday to meet on a trail.

I love Huskies. I guess there isn't really a breed or mutt I don't like. :) My heart breaks for them as they work through their loss.

Y'all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog