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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Happy Birthday Brut!

First, the bad news, our computer is at the V-E-T and things aren't looking so good.  There is a chance it won't be coming home with us.  :(  We will do our best to post and visit as we can. 

Today is the last day for the Brut Birthday Bash Give Away and we will post the winners as soon as possible. So make sure you enter HERE.  

With that said, we could not let the Birthday Boy's big day go by without laying it on him.

I have been finding myself in a bit of a sentimental mood as Brut’s fifth birthday has been approaching. As we lay next to each other while he tore apart one of favorite forbidden toys, just because, I began to realize this was the dog that changed everything I thought I knew about dogs. It is because of him that I had to channel my creativity and explore my out of the box thinking. Brut is the one who challenged me like no other dog could and let me question those traditional ways of thinking. It was Brut who bent me to the brink and then would pull me back through. He was the only one who could grab my attention and burrow into those deep walls that I held myself a prisoner in. He was the only one who could to break this heart open and build it anew from the ground up.

Five years of blood, sweat, and tears of a raw love that has transformed everything I ever knew about the true meaning of love, that I can not even begin to put into words…

Who would have thought that this little guy would change my whole life?

Happy Birthday Brut.

Thank you for being exactly who you are!

Love, Mom and Dad


Anonymous said...

HaPpY BiFdAy Brut!! What a very special video clip.

Unknown said...

Sorry about your computer boooo.
We entered his giveaway and are super excited to see who the winner is!

Lavinia said...

Happy birthday to Brut and I hope he will reach a very old age with you and continue to make your life wonderful!

Pamela said...

OMD, baby picture! Squeeeee!

And yes, the right dog can unlock all kinds of doors we end up behind. But not every person is willing to walk through when the door is open.

Wishing you many more happy birthdays, Brut.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy Birthday Brut!!!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy Birthday, Brut!!! You are very handsome now, but OMD, look at how cute you were as a puppy - just adorable. Hope the computer can be revived with some good surgical skills.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Happy birthday Brut

houndstooth said...

Happiest of Birthdays, Brut! May you challenge your parents for many years to come!

Pup Fan said...

Happy birthday to Brut!

Greyhounds CAN Sit said...

Happy Birthday, Brut. You're as handsome now as you were cute as a puppy! Well done on being such a special, needed member of your family.

Good luck with the computer!

jen said...

I was wondering where you have been!
Sorry about your computer troubles!


White Dog Blog said...

Happy Barkday Brut! We would wish you love and acceptance and happiness...but it seems you have all these things in abundance. May you continue to have good health and be surrounded by your amazing family for a long long long time!