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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Mammoth Sunflowers

Hurry mommy!  They look hungry!!


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! We saw lots of them on our walk last weekend. Will show them this weekend. They are LOVELY. Happy "SUNFLOWER" Wednesday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Kirsten (peacefuldog) said...

A beautiful background for some beautiful dogs!

jen said...

Whoa! Those are some big sunflowers! They are beautiful!

Pamela said...

Wow, that's some bright sunshine. Just what I needed--it's pouring outside.

Boss Mare Eventing said...


houndstooth said...

Those are some impressive sunflowers! Let's hope they don't attack!

Pup Fan said...

Wow - those are huge!

melfr said...

Holy ow! Mammoth is right! I was thinking of growing some next year. You've inspired me!

White Dog Blog said...

The Essence of Summer in one photo! Lovely!

Emily Heizer Photography said...

(Leaving this on both of our blogs).

Did you see my post on Stephanie on my work or personal blog? The mom of three who was widowed while she was pregnant with her fourth? I don't remember if I got a comment from you or not.

Anyway, she is someone who helped me get angry.

You know how much I have struggled with this. I loved him. I LOVE him, still and it is so confusing to be in love with someone who you also fear and hate at the same time. It's hard to get angry when, when I think of him, all I see is the wonderful man who so took care of me and loved me and promised to be with me for the rest of my life.

When I was shooting that portrait session with Stephanie, her boys started to act up a little- barely anything at all- we were packing up to go and they couldn't seem to get their shoes together and they all started to whine, all three of them. She had all of this luggage to carry, she's 9 months pregnant and she has these three whining preschool age boys, barefoot next to the pool in their bathing suits, trying to rush and leave. She turned to me, irritatedly and said, "Seriously! Where is my husband!" And sort of growled a little, like we all do.

It surprised me; made me laugh a little. We got it all together and everybody out and on their way to the next location for the shoot, but it made me realize... she's angry with him for leaving her. He may have died... he may not have chosen it, but... She's still angry that he is gone. He was supposed to be here. He was supposed to help, to be by her side forever, helping her with these kids. And now their three year old is hanging on her leg, whimpering because he doesn't want to put his flip flop on... and SERIOUSLY... Where is he? YOU DO IT.

I thought about her comment for... I don't know how long after. I still think about it. But it makes me think... he promised to be here with me. He PROMISED he would be here with me. You said you would be with me for forever. WHAT THE EFF IS UP WITH THAT YOU MO FO! (When I am really riled up.) You promised to spend the rest of your life loving me and being by my side. Where the heck are you?!

I was able to take her anger and, I don't know, borrow it for myself. I borrowed her anger with her husband for dying and I got mad at Matt finally. He left our life. Whether he chose it or not. And frankly, he didn't choose to leave it. But he's gone and he broke alot of promises... promises he swore he would never break and I trusted him with every part of my soul and I never doubted him.

And that makes me angry.

Brian's Home Blog said...

WOW, y'all sure do have some big flowers in your neck of the woods!

Ms. ~K said...

Yellow sunflowers and yellow Labs, cool combo!

Kristine said...

Those sunflowers are insane! I love that the blossoms are still blooming in your area as the summer wanes. It definitely makes me feel a little happier to look at them, even on a computer screen.

Kippy Marrie said...

Olá.... Sou a KIPy, uma YORK e moro no BRASIL. Gostei muito de voces e do blog. Estou seguindo. Gostaria que voces fossem meus AMIGOS SEGUIDORES também ( JOIN THIS SITE ) , será uma alegria.
Estou fazendo ANIVERSÁRIO e estou muito feliz. Venha ver meu blog e participar da festa. Espero voces.
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