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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Hunters

 I was starting to get concerned that the dogs were never going to wake up out of their summer coma.  Once the cooler fall weather started to settle in, my fears were evaded.  WHEW!

In the spirit of their energy, the Front Dogs and I were chasing squirrels.  Something I have done several times with the Back Dogs, but for some reason never engaged the Front Dogs with play hunting.  Blaze was already standing up on a pine tree, whining, as a squirrel must have recently went by.  So we ran from tree to tree, searching for that measly squirrel.  Both dogs jumped right into the game.  Blaze was so razzed up that she jumped and froze when Chance sneezed.  The whole game was fun and quite hilarious.  I wondered why I hadn't thought it before with them.  Well we did what we could, but no squirrel was to be found.

Although later when I came back out, I discovered the hunt had not been for a squirrel, but a chipmunk that Blaze had caught and was carrying in her mouth!! Which she claims is just as tasty if not more so than squirrel!!


bichonpawz said...

Not only do my girlz love chasing squirrels...chipmunks too!!! I don't think they would have a clue if they ever caught one!! Cute picture!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Sarah said...

I am going to keep this post between us. If Sadie thought she could actually catch a squirrel or chipmunk, she would refuse to ever come inside again.

Pup Fan said...

I'm with Sarah - Bella's been unsuccessful, but if she knew other dogs had caught one she'd dedicate her life to improving!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Same here. We are having lots of zoomie fun times and we won't say much about the hunt, but some bunnies might have been involved:)

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

KB said...

Our dogs obsess over squirrels and rabbits but have only caught one once. On that occasion, it was a freezing and snowy May day. R found a baby rabbit. He carried it very gently to the Runner, and the Runner returned it to the nest. It really showed that Labs can have soft mouths when they want to!