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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hey, What About My Progress??

I'm always sharing about the progress that the dogs have made which got me thinking, what about the progress I have made over the last couple of years with six dogs and unique circumstances?  So I thought I would take a minute and share some of profound ideas that have been developing over time that is making my life easier for me and the dogs.

I used to think that I had to have a set time and space in order to train.  I don't do well with schedules and deadlines and since the dogs are quite used my randomness, I have begun to use it to work for us.  I've been learning to weave our training through the day.  Like in this recent post.   

I also never could fully grasp how to utilize taught commands to bypass bad behavior.  For some reason it took a while for this one to sink in.  Like it just didn't occur to me when any of the dogs were getting out of hand to tell them to sit.  It was like a new awakening.

I have focus quite heavily on the Brut, Chance and Blaze for the last few years as they were the highest priority that I spent little time training Zappa, Fiona and Silver.  Man, does it show!  I have begun with small training exercises with them on some of our problem areas.

I began a list for each dog noting each of their issues that need to be addressed, making it easier for me to remember.  I never thought about writing it down until I read a post by Married with Dawgs.  (slaps forehead)  Since I'm usually in a constant shuffle with dogs, I can just take any opportunity as it presents itself. Eliminating X amount of pressure that I am notorious for putting myself under.

I refuse to have a time table in which to accomplish these goals, only that I keep working on them.  There are just too many animals in this home to tend to and I need to give all of us as much wiggle room as possible to help in the success.  I have their entire lives to work with them and if I have learned nothing else, time will take care of everything.

I will probably be doing all of things for some time without worrying about a finish line and I think that's awesome!  It has taken me quite some time to break my own chains of how our dogs should be trained and give myself the freedom to do what works best for them and myself.  And that my friends is a beautiful gift.  :)

So what work's for you?   What you have you changed in your thinking or style to accommodate you and dog's lifestyle?  I'd love to hear about it!


Sarah said...

I'm so glad my post was able to help you out a bit. And like I said, sometimes just writing it down is enough to get started on the path you want to be headed down. With all things in life, having wiggle room is key to not going crazy or feeling that you've not accomplished your goals. Our journey there is just as, if not more important, than the finish line. Great post!

Unknown said...

I have sat down and made a list of what issues I needed to address with my dogs as well. I do put timelines on myself when it comes to the training and I have learned that Fred does not like timelines on his training :) we are still working on sit. ha.

houndstooth said...

When we got Morgan, it was overwhelming for me to look at all the issues we had to work on. Prioritizing them and starting at the top, and looking back at where we started from, has helped me a lot!

White Dog Blog said...

Remembering it is the journey that makes the difference is important. And also that there is no ticking time bomb that will explode if the Plan moves at its own comfortable pace...and changes pace with the whims of the world. It is important to focus on and customize the lessons to the unique personality of each pup...there is no Universal method.

Shane Kent Louis said...

wow, this is a nice and very interesting post! thanks for sharing with us, I will try it too and start to practice it. :)


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Pamela said...

Terrific post. Weaving training into your every day life is so helpful. I think another reason it works so well is because it's not artificial. It's about building a relationship in our regular life.