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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Black Beauty Silver

One of the reasons that people give for not wanting a black dog is that they do not photograph well, especially their faces.  While it can be difficult, if you just snapping that little box with a little help from nature, you can share in a true Black Beauty.  

Never have I been able to capture the velvety smoothness of Silver's fur like this before.
Simply beautiful.

Eight years to get a picture like this, without even trying.
What a rare gem Silver really is.


jen said...

Her fur looks like it is sparkling!
She is beautiful!

Gail said...

I like black dogs. I never understood the syndrom.

Pup Fan said...


Unknown said...

very nice. Haylie is very dark brown and her best pictures are the ones ive taken outside, inside pics are ver hard to get her.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

You are so right about how hard it is to get a good pic of a black dog. But you captured Silver's beauty so well.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Sarah said...

Great pics! I have the same problem with Maggie. A professional photographer once told me that the key is taking a picture that has lots of dark tones in it - if there is lots of sunshine or lots of light colors, the camera just blacks out your black dog. I think the shadow is why Silver's pictures came out so beautifully.

houndstooth said...

Well, I've had my fingers crossed that our next dog is black. I know that you have to photograph them on a day with good, but diffuse light, like in the shade on a sunny day, or a day that's overcast, but still really light outside. She seems to be enjoying her modeling session! :)

Kirsten (peacefuldog) said...

That is one velvety dog.

Black dogs are mysterious and compelling--you have captured that in your photos.

White Dog Blog said...

Well worth the wait. The shot is simply perfection! And Silver is a treasure captured in full splendor.

Besides, people who choose another color dog because black is hard to photograph are missing the point of adding a dog to their lives... that is like giving away children who are not model perfect.

Linda said...

Three of my dogs are black and two of the cats are black. And when the sun hits their coats, they are so beautiful. They may not photograph well, but they make great pets and that's what's most important! Silver is stunning!

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hi Y'all,

Black is one of the most beautiful and most frustrating colors whether it is in animals or clothing.

Y'all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog

KB said...

Silver is gorgeous! But, I do find it very hard to photograph my black lab, R. Whew, the light has to be just right to show his handsomeness! Chocolate is easier.