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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Friday, August 19, 2011

Where Do You Want to Go?

I accomplished a feat I have never tried before:  I walked all six dogs in one afternoon!!  (Individually, of course.)  Lord knows we are no where near The Thundering Herd's level.  BOL!!  But we keep working on it one dog at a time.  We were having one of those all day rainy days that no one but this crazy dog lady would be out and about in the neighborhood.  So I took on the challenge.

Chance was my ice breaker, just in case any loonies did happen to be out.  We sailed through perfectly.  Blaze was doing so good, I almost didn't want the walk to end.  When I got to Silver, I really began to relax.  Next was Fiona.  Fiona was fun.  At this point I was letting the dogs chose where they wanted to go. I told her she could where ever she wanted as long as we were on a path.   The wooded area near our house has all kinds of deer runs and with Fiona's nose she found every single one of them. 

When I took Zappa I became aware of a difference I hadn't noticed before.  He barely put his nose to the ground and he either he didn't want to follow the same paths or he was after something else.  I think he is more of a sight dog.  Unless he just didn't want to get his pretty little nose wet.  We traveled up, down and around the woods just as Zappa pleased.

I was lucid by the time I got to Brut and he took me on one of wild and crazy adventures.  Brut is fun because I can just let him drag me along and since he was in the drivers seat, he did just that.  I don't know what he was after but we circled the woods twice.  Brut has a way of get me giggling because he is so serious and comical at the same time.  I had such a great time "letting go of the leash" so to speak and letting the dogs take me on their explorations.  So loose and free, it was intoxicating.  Have you ever tried doing that?
 Follow the lead dog, HA!
She just needs me to drag her along!!


Anonymous said...

Such a cool paw print photo! Wow! :D

That was quite the feat taking ALL the pups on a walkie in one day! Lucky them! And Hurrahs for you! :D

Waggin at ya,

Gail said...

Love that print! It just says it all.

Melissa said...

Great job!! Now you deserve a nice long nap after all that walking!! :)

Corbin said...

I love that first photo! My momma would have been out cold after all that walking!

Pamela said...

So much of the time we make dogs fit into our worlds. Allowing each dog to walk you was the gift of fitting into their worlds.

Thanks for sharing the blessings you received when your dogs took you for a walk.

24 Paws of Love said...

Thanks Pamela, I really needed to hear that today.

Kristine said...

Awesome!! You are a woman of extreme courage. I've never walked TWO dogs at once before. Seriously. I wonder what the world record is...

houndstooth said...

Ha ha! At first I thought you meant you'd walked them all at once. My personal record is five, and they were all Greyhounds. lol We have a family who comes to our Greyhound reunions and they have twelve! It's amazing to see them walk all of them at once. I am in awe of them every year!

Bunny is a great walk leader, but Morgan would have us lost in no time!

24 Paws of Love said...

Kristine, I think you might have read that wrong...BOL...I walked each dog by themselves, it's just that I walked all of them in one afternoon, instead of broken up through the day...BOL...silly girl :)

24 Paws of Love said...

Houndstooth, I'm sure my wording wasn't the greatest. WoW! 12 dogs at once, that be such a sight to see. We have a lady in town who walks about 10 different dogs at the same time. But 12 Greyhounds? That would be such a great picture!!

Yas said...

That paw print is just pawsome!
Mommy's never walked more than 3 doggies at a time..but she'd love to have a chance to!

Maxx and mommy

White Dog Blog said...

Lots of walks but I bet a wonderful opportunity to just enjoy the unique personalities of each of the pups. Moments of such relaxed connected shared adventure are gifts to be cherished.

Bocci said...

That's how Parental Unit and I "walk" all the time-ha!

Toyin O. said...

Sounds like a great time walking:).

Peggy Frezon said...

Interesting the different styles of taking a walk per each dog. Kelly is real easy to walk, I like to let her sniff and roam about a bit as we walk, but she doesn't pull or go to fast. Just my speed!

BZ Dogs said...

Well, you are certainly getting your exercise! I know what you mean about the dog being different. Beau always had an agenda, and it was up to you to reclaim it if you wanted something different. Zachary is much more of a pleaser - he knows the routine and sticks with it unless otherwise directed. Sweet Henry - always amiable, no plan, no worries. :)

Sage said...

I can well imagine how much fun that was letting each dog go at will. You certainly gained a bit more insight into their personalities--I'll have to try it.

D.K. Wall said...

Come on - walk them all at once! What could possibly go wrong? ( and we can answer that question, but always more fun to learn on your own).