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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Thursday, August 25, 2011

My Kind of Baking

Zucchini, Peanut Butter and Wheat Dog Treats

When we just had the Back Dogs, my husband kept talking about making our own dog treats.  While I can bake, it isn't my favorite thing, but I found a recipe, got the ingredients and even bought a new cookie cutter as I didn't have one and whipped up a batch of dog cookies.

All of the dogs turned up their noses at these treats that I had slaved over, just for them.  They wouldn't even take a bite.  That said I never baked for those mongrels again!

So when I went to the Farmer's Market today, I found a young girl who had made these mini muffin-like dog treats.  6 for $1.  How perfect is that?  Three dollars to taste test and no mess or fuss.  That's my kind of baking!  AND the dogs loved them. :)


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Mom has made us some treats and she does buy us lots of homemade ones (at someone else's home:), and we love them. They taste so much better than the store bought ones. Mom says she would make more of them for us if she had more time. Most of the recipes out there are pretty easy. You should try again.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! My mom LOVES making treats for ME. Oh! Do you know that I am co-hosting a weekly Tasty Tuesday Blog HOP. Details on my blog or check out my current Tasty Tuesday. The Hop is still open and you can this post. Check it out! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Yas said...

Home made treats are the best!!! Time to get the momster to make some!


Kirsten (peacefuldog) said...

Whoa--zucchini, PB and wheat--how could you go wrong? Did you try them yourself?
Kirsten http://peacefuldog.blogspot.com/2011/08/ones-that-grab-your-heart.html

Kristine said...

I can't believe your dogs wouldn't eat your baking! Jeepers. They oughtta show more gratitude than that. It makes me slightly more appreciative of my dog who will eat absolutely anything. I could feed her bits of stale bread and she'd act like it was the best treat ever.

Those muffins look tasty. I'd almost eat one myself.

houndstooth said...

lol I am not a huge fan of cooking, but I love to bake! The dogs always think when I'm in the kitchen that I must be baking for them, and when I'm not, it's a huge disappointment. They haven't turned their noses up at any treats I've made yet!

FiveSibesMom said...

Can't believe the turned up their noses at your treats! Sounds like you found some yummy ones though!

White Dog Blog said...

We love the Farmers' Market...AND homemade treats. Most of us would have chosen the whole wheat (but with cream cheese added). Quinn loves peanut butter (he and dad eat pb toast almost every morning), and of course YoYoMa would pick zucchini (with a smear of cream cheese).

KB said...

How frustrating! I'm with you on baking, and if I slaved away to make dog treats and then they didn't want to eat them... well, I'd be unhappy.

I love your solution!

Kippy Marrie said...

Venha visitar meu blog que estamos em festa pela conquista de 100 amiguinhos e gostaria que voce fizesse parte deste número sendo meus amiguinhos (SEGUIDORES), eu estou seguindo voces.
Será um prazer ter voces lá, e quem sabe logo estaremos comemorando os 200?
Com a ajuda de voces, será mais rápido a festa. Venha "comer bolo" no meu blog.
Te espero com alegria...
Aus 1000 com amor...


Greyhounds CAN Sit said...

I probably do more cooking for Frankie and Beryl than I do for myself! I doubt Frankie would eat those mini-muffins, he's not into Zucchini or Peanut Butter! Beryl would love them though. They do look yummy. I must make them some more tuna fudge, they both enjoyed that ... and it's very easy!