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Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday Memories-Silver's Chocolate Scare

That doughnut was t-h-i-s big!!

Like many we had heard that chocolate was fatal for dogs.  Silver was about 12-16 weeks old and was traveling with us.  My husband and I were on our way home and had bought a box of chocolate glazed donuts.  Neither of us thinking we ran into the gas station for our last potty break while leaving our box of goodies with a scrounging puppy before we were to head onto the highway. 

As we got back in the car, I caught Silver gulping down the remains of one of the donuts.  She was our first puppy and I panic.  All I knew at that time was chocolate=death.  So we ran her to the nearest vet office, where the wonderful vet calmed our fears, while giving Silver a shot to help with any nausea and diarrhea, as we had a four hour ride ahead of us.  The vet informed us that for Silver's weight, (about 25 lbs) she would have to eat a full chocolate bar in order to be fatal.  My husband and I both breathed a sigh of relief and Silver slept all the way home with no ill effects from the chocolate or sugar buzz she could have incurred.

The whole experience was quite a scare, but it was nice to know that our mishap didn't turn into a serious matter.  I don't know what we would have done if something were to happen to Silver because of our negligence.  As a result we are always careful about any chocolate around the house and have a special drawer just for it, along with other no-dog goodies. 

Here are a couple of websites that give a little better sketch about the different levels of toxicity of chocolates and what symptoms to watch for if you think your dog has ingested any.  While it depends on the weight of your dog and the type of chocolate and amount, all chocolate is toxic to dogs.

While these are only guidelines, if your dog has eaten chocolate or exhibits any of these symptoms, please do not hesitate to call your vet, who can help you determine what treatment your dog may need. 

 Let's keep all our puppies safe!


Maxmom said...

Glad the puppy didn't suffer any long-term injuries. I think many of us have had those heart-stopping moments, where we've realised that our simple mistakes could have really been costly. We too had the 'chocolate-oops-episode'- one Christmas day...luckily the Goldens sidestepped any health issues....Phew!
Thanks for a great post.
Sending lotsaluv

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

It is such a horrible feeling when you know something potentially bad has happened and you have to figure out really quickly what to do. Mom once did a Secret Santa exchange and had sent some fudge in the mail to her person. Their dog got into the package and ate quite a bit of it. Fortunately it wasn't the kind of chocolate that contained a high amount of toxicity for the dog, and the pup was just fine. Very scary just the same.

Glad all turned out well there too.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Gail said...

Glad every thing was okay. Good facts to know.

Pup Fan said...

So scary! Glad that everything turne dout okay.

Yas said...

OMD! Maxx scared the daylights out of us when he snatched the ice cream (chocolate flavoured) wrapper from the dadster and devoured it! Luckily nothing happened, he was fine and the thing came out as it is..during his walks..:)) LOL!
Thanks for sharing this experience with us!

Maxx's mommy

Kirsten (peacefuldog) said...

Great post--we've had the chocolate scare too, but all that came out of it was some vomiting and heaving :) I think I may have given some hydrogen peroxide to help that process along.

Good to know the specifics on dosage per pound, so we avoid panic next time!

Sage said...

Our Toby has a way of eating all the inappropriate things he can find and once consumed a whole bag of Easter egg chocolates. I know how you felt, we called the vet immediately and learned the same as you.

Pamela said...

You'd think dogs would have evolved to "not like" food that harms them. Of course, it hasn't worked for humans either. :)

Linda said...

And the problem with chocolate is dogs and cats become addicted to it just like some people do. A good reminder about the dangers of chocolate for dogs.

Cassy said...

Glad that everything is fine.
Thanks for the advice as well.

Cassy from Classical Guitar Lessons

White Dog Blog said...

What an important reminder...yes about chocolate but also about how quickly an unattended pup can change the course of history.

Shane Kent Louis said...

were glad that everything looks good. just have fun and bring some chocolates from me LOL! :)

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