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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

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Brut Quote

Monday, August 22, 2011

Daddy's Monday Memories-Who Says a Cat Can't Teach a Dog New Tricks?

I'll never forget the day I discovered that cats can teach dogs new tricks.

A long time ago I once had a kitten, who was about two months old who we'll call "Kitty," because I can't remember her name.  After about six months, I saw a puppy who I just had to have.  I really can't say for sure what kind of dog she was, I think she might have been a white lab.  When I first saw her, I looked into her eyes and she was telling me, "take me home, take me home."  Well, I wanted to get a playmate for Kitty, because I hated leaving her home all alone when I went to work.  So when "Melanie" gave me that look, that was the icing on the cake.

I took her home and didn't know how Kitty would react.  Well they got along just fine.  After a few days it was like they were Siamese twins.  After about a week or two went by I began to notice something, the bed was sprinkled with kitty litter.  The litter box was in my bedroom, at the foot of my queen sized mattress that I had on the floor yet I never had kitty litter on my bed before.  Kitty had always used the box with no problems.  Then as time went on I began to notice the bed had more and more litter on the sheets.  I kept thinking, What the heck is going on with that Kitty?  

Well, one night I got in late and I took Melanie out for our walk to do her business and the three of us went to bed.  The next morning I decided to sleep in, something I rarely do, but it was Sunday and had been a long week.  The next thing I knew I was being woken up by a raining hail of kitty litter in my face!  I tried dodging the spraying pellets while I staggered to sit up to see what that crazy cat was doing.  As my eyes began to focus, I was shocked.  There in the middle of the litter box was Melanie in serious concentration as she flung the litter left and right covering up her recent business.  I tilted my head, with a smirk and asked, "What are you doing?"  She stopped dead in her tracks.   I could barely contain myself before I busted out laughing. She'd been caught! I didn't want her to think she was in trouble, so I praised her and Melanie's startled look soften as she bound out of the box and on the bed to cover me with sweet puppy kisses and a trail of kitty litter.

It was the funniest thing I'd ever seen in my life and still cracks me up to this day.  I'll tell you one thing, cats ain't got nothing on a puppy in the litter box!!  The speed and thrust in those paws would put a cat to shame!!  There was nothing cuter than Melanie in that litter box.  She was one smart puppy taking care of business just like the cat taught her to.  Now I'd seen it all.  :)   



Gail said...

smart dog

Pamela said...

How clever.

Hopefully Kitty didn't teach Melanie how to sharpen her claws too. :)

jen said...

That is too funny! Too bad you didn't have a video camera handy! I would of loved to have seen that!

Kirsten (peacefuldog) said...

That's so awesome! Were you able to un-train the behavior, once you stopped laughing?

Kippy Marrie said...

Estou seguindo voces e amei o blog e todos voces.
Seria um prazer ter voces em meu blog como amigos também.
Moro no Brasil e sou a KIPPY, uma YORK que ama ter amigos no mundo todo. Venham me visitar.
Boa semana.
Aus 1000 com amor...


The Daily Pip said...

Too funny! My grandmother's dog used to sit in the litter box, but she never used it. The cats weren't too happy with her being in their space!

Your pal, PIp

White Dog Blog said...

What a great story and a precious memory!

Shane Kent Louis said...

that was really great! your so very brave and so lucky to your Dad! keep it up! :)

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