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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Product Review-Terra Paws

 We are doing our first product review on Terra Paws- All Natural Freeze Dried Treats and the 24 Paws of Love, loved them.

Here are the ingredients:


Simple.  Beef, Chicken and Sweet Potato.  You can't beat that.

The treats were light and had a hard foam like texture.  They did break easy, but that just made more treats for everyone.

  Beef and Sweet Potato 

So you want some proof that the dogs like them?

The real test was Blaze, my picky eater and she ate them right up.  When I ran out of samples and was still doing tricks with the dogs, they would have nothing to do with their regular treats and keep sniffing and trying to grab the Terra Paw bags.  Yep, I'd say they were hooked.


All of our readers that place an order during the month July at http://www.terrapaws.com/ can enter the promo code BL20 at checkout and receive 20% off their order.

Terra Paws will have new products coming for this Summer.  New, smaller pouches with one ingredient, such as: Turkey, Chicken, Sweet Potato, Beef Liver and Chicken Liver.

All in all we were very please with the product and we are always up for trying new treats outs.  Most importantly the dogs loved them and really that's all that matters. 

**All opinions for Terra Paw products are 100% our own.**


sharkgila said...

Yummy! We'd look out for these, not sure if they have it here.

Togo, Tagar & Gamby

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Sure looks like those treats were a big hit. Thanks for telling us about them. We love the video.

Wpps ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

jen said...

They look and sound great!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Happy DELISH! Wednesday. Never tried this brand so will check it out. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

houndstooth said...

This reminds me of when we tried that food for a review this spring! The girls totally turned up their noses at that old gruel that we'd been feeding them before! *rolls eyes* I love it when you find something that the dogs really take a liking to!

White Dog Blog said...

The video does not lie...those treats were a HUGE hit! We are going to talk momma into taking advantage of the special offer and trying some. YUM!

Anonymous said...

I just LUV freeze dried treats!!! You lucky dogs you :P Great tricks you did for your treats too. Really pulled out all the stops dawgs ;) Yeah, I would have too! :D

Waggin at ya,

Julia Williams said...

With only two healthy ingredients in each flavor, they sure do look like good treats!

Bailey Be Good! said...

Great review! I second it! Our samples from our review went fast too, and the recent goody bags we received afterward are almost gone too! I told Nala we'll have to ask mommy to BUY some of them for us, they're so good!

So glad you enjoyed them too! :)

Woofs & hugs,

~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

Greyhounds CAN Sit said...

Who was that headless woman;) Loved the video. Another awesome looking treat for the kids that we can't get here:( I think we're going to have to shift to the USA! My kids are so deprived living in New Zealand, lol.