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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

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Monday, July 11, 2011

Monday Memories-Wild Innocence?

Isn't it funny how we remember things?  I had a whole post written up about the innocence and wonder of puppies.  How they are so sweet and pure, cute and cuddly.  Well, while getting the video ready (analog to digital) and I watching these crazy characters running around our bedroom at about 6 1/2 weeks old, I saw none of that.  These little monsters were all trying to outdo each other and take control of whatever they could get there paws and teeth on.  You can see that under the nightstands was a favorite place everyone wanted to keep for themselves and they would fend off anyone who came near.  While I remember how cute and funny their antics were, watching it now 3 years later I feel like I am witnessing wild kingdom. BOL!  If you've never seen a litter of pups at playtime, here is your chance.

Tell me what do think?  Cute puppies playing or mini beast in a battle for the world?

(p.s. the fireplace was a fake and was not hot.)


Pamela said...

I just loved the commentary from your sweetie.

They are fierce and playful all at the time same time. I remember being brought to tears by spiky little puppy teeth when Honey was 9 weeks old. There's few things more dangerous than a puppy. They'll either kill you with cuteness or puncture you to death with those razor sharp teeth.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We can't get the video to play, we will come back later. But Mom says anything with puppies has to be cute as long as it is happening at YOUR house and not here:)

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

FiveSibesMom said...

I just loved it! So makes me want more puppies now!!! They were so cute, and I vote for puppies playing - no mini beasts there at all! Brings back memories of when Wolf, Chloe & Bandit were pups...could spend hours just watching their silliness! The innocence of puppies indeed! Thanks for sharing this fab video!

houndstooth said...

Oh, puppies are terrorists, and I am not sad that we've missed that phase in a while. Several years back, before Bunny and Blueberry, we were taking care of a pair of puppies that we'd helped come into the world after their mother required an emergency c-section. She killed four of the six and the last two were taken from her for their own safety. A few weeks later, we had them and were bottle feeding them for about a month. They both found homes just as they were getting into that charming bite everything in sight phase! lol There's a good reason Greyhound puppies are called landsharks!

ForPetsSake said...

Pure, wonderful puppy chaos - thanks!

Greyhounds CAN Sit said...

While there's no smell in the world like puppy breath I don't miss them:) Life is a lot easier getting a young adult dog and borrowing puppy time with friends puppies. Although it's been a lot of years since I was around young puppies. I'm starting to get nostalgic. No, I'm not going to watch your gorgeous video again!

White Dog Blog said...

Thanks for the reminder of the playful "life in the moment" always forgiving nature of pups. I really needed it today.

Team Kenzo said...

Wonderful video, it is a puppy tornado :)

Julia Williams said...

I think it's a little of both -- cute pups playing and mini beasts. Looks like fun!!!

Bailey Be Good! said...

Happy Tuesday woofs & hugs!

~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

Yas said...

Very nice! Thank you for sharing it with us!


P.s - Thank you for your kind words for Muffin.

Jaana said...

Ohhh, I LOVE that! Our puppies are 3,5 weeks old now and they are already practicing their moves for the great war ahead :D You hust HAVE to love them!

Pup Fan said...

Look at them go! :)