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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Holy Cow!!

We have been very blessed that such wonderful people that take the time to read our blog and to received not one but two awards from several different people...we find ourselves a little speechless.  


 Thanks to Jet's Furkid Palace, Arwen's Pack and Greyhounds CAN Sit for this great award.

Since I am a bit overwhelmed by the generosity of this dog community, I am going to skip sharing about ourselves and spread the love.

We have been exploring more into our dog/animal blog world and have discovered some blogs that are new to us and would like to pass these wonderful awards forward. 

While we don't know much about them, they all caught our attention in some way or another.  Some you may already know and some may be new to you, but we believe they are all worth having a look at.
We even threw in a few cat blogs to shake up the mix!

Familiar Spirit

Bert's Blog

At the Farm

Lapdog Creations

Miz Coco Kat


Two French Bulldogs

Married with Dawgs

No Dog About It

So go ahead, take a minute and check out a blog you haven't heard of.  You'll be glad you did.

Thank you again for these wonderful awards, because it is really YOU, the readers who makes this blog what it is. 



Yas said...

Congrats on your well deserved awards!!
It's soo nice to be part if this amazing circle of furiends from all over the globe!!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your awards! Yay!

Waggin at ya,

Daisy's Mom said...

Wow! Thanks for the shout out. And, congrats on receiving your awards!
I haven't seen your blog in a while, though I have often thought of how you are doing, I couldn't remember your blog name.

Duh! How hard is 24 Paws of Love to remember? Good thing I saw you next to me on the blogger hop! I'll check out the ones you recommend. Thanks again!

cherie said...

Congratulations on this well deserved award!
Have a wonderful day.

Lavinia said...

Congratulations for the awards! You truly deserve them.

Sage said...

You are so very deserving of all these awards! Congratulations. I'm going to check out some of the ones you mentioned that I don't follow yet!

24 Paws of Love said...

Daisy's Mom-We lost your blog somewhere along the way as well and when I found it on the blog hop I thought I've been here before...BOL!! Glad to have you back on the blog roll.

jen said...

Congratulations on your award!

Pamela said...

Congratulations on your awards! And you shared a whole bunch of new blogs I've never read. How in the world do you ever find the time? :)

Gail said...

Congratulations on your well-deserved awards.

Thanks for suggesting people visit my two blogs...lots of animals and adventures on both.

I am honored, thanks again.

Lapdog Creations said...

Thank you so much for the award!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your kindness!! You dogs are the BEST!

Pup Fan said...

Congrats on all of the awards - you rock! :)

Sarah said...

Thanks for passing on the award to me and the pack! We sure do appreciate it.