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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Saturday, July 16, 2011


 OK, admit  it.  You've thought about too.  
You're hungry, looking for something to munch on and you keep eying your dog's cookie jar.  
All those delectable goodies that you can pop right in your mouth.  
They are irresistible looking.
Some crunchy, some soft and chewy
You know you want to.
So you open the lid...

Now bust over to the Blog Hop hosted by Life with Dogs, The Two Cavaliers, and Confessions of the Plume.  


White Dog Blog said...

You guys have some pretty fancy treat jars! Momma said it would be great to know when we are nosing around for unauthorized treats BUT that she would have a heart attack if she heard that howl while she was focused on the computer or napping! Have a great weekend!

Greyhounds CAN Sit said...

Oh, I want one of those!!! And I'd put all the things in it that are in the house that I shouldn't eat. I wonder if it would work? Actually, I'd probably need more than one of them:)

Khady Lynn said...

I am especially liking the howling one!!!

Khady Lynn

Anonymous said...

Oh hilarious! I luv cookie jars like that! I'd forgotten about them! Must get one soon! :D

Waggin at ya,

ThePainterPack said...

We loves the howling cookie jar! We would like it, please. Oh, and include the treats! Woofs!!!

Cherie K. Miller said...

My three would want me to open the cookie jar like every three minutes... they LOVE their treatie time. (They each get two treats after supper before bed... but three or four would be fine with them.)

Dropping by on the blog hop today - I'm working the big Petfinder Adoption Day - by helping out Etowah Valley Humane Society at the Acworth (GA) Petco. Paws crossed for lots of fur-ever homes for our wonderful pets.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

OMD, that is hysterical. Especially the howling one. Mom says then she could be sure to catch Dad when he is overindulging us with treats. Where did you find those?

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

The only treat of Stumpy's that tempt me is the chicken jerky...I've resisted, so far!

Love the cookie jars! those are hysterical!

Happy, Waggin' Tails, FUREVER!
Stumpy and me

How Sam Sees It said...

I've never been tempted to try a doggie treat, but the horse's oats? Those are delicious!


Sage said...

Hehe, opening one of those cookie jars would have been enough to make you look over your shoulder to see who's watching!

houndstooth said...

Ha ha ha! If we had cookie jars like that, every time it went off, the dogs would swarm us!

Anonymous said...

Mama says that this would work once and then one of my hubrothers would find a way to disable it. They like treats as much as I do!
It's pretty cool though! I wonder where you get something like that? I don't know why Mom wants to know?


Kirby and Cheryl said...

Cool treat jars, as I watched the video, Kirby went running to the window to find the "howling" dog! Hillarious!

Kirby's mom

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Love the treat jar. Might need a lock.

KB said...

Laughing!!! We need one of those howling ones!

BZ Dogs said...

LOL!!! I love it!

K9 Kelp said...

I am a non-howling Boxer, but will send out a Big Bark-out to ya :) Have a wonderful Sunday in your end of the yard...Woof!

Julia Williams said...

I love that howling one but I think it would scare the daylights outta my cats. Then again, if I stored cookies in it, that would be a good deterrent not to munch on them all day!

D.K. Wall said...

Considering the hu-dad can't open any snack we can't hear, no need for a loud detector.