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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Bath Time Flop

Fresh from the tub, Chance demonstrates why bath times at our house almost serve no purpose...

Here's proof they were clean:
Yeah, we were clean, for about 5 seconds!
What does she expect with a dirt yard and the fact that we are DOGS??

Now lets all take a dirt roll over to the Blog Hop!

Thanks to our host Life with Dogs, The Two Cavaliers, and Confessions of the Plume.


Gail said...

Too cute! We have to wait for ours to dry, if we don't want them to roll

Talking-Dogs said...

So cute! Ours run from door to door... because we won't let them out before they're dry :-)

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh nothin like a good roll in the dirt after a bath :D I'm right there with ya pal! Good thing your pawrents have the right attitude about it ;D

Waggin at ya,

Pamela said...

Thank goodness you have a camera or else you'd never be able to prove they were clean!

Kristine said...

Hahahaha! I love when dogs roll in dirt or other disgusting things. It's so funny. Maybe because Shiva never does that, never gets the urge to cover herself in whatever is on the ground. She prefers to just eat it.

D.K. Wall said...

Why do those humans insist on trying to make us smell all clean when dirt is so much more natural?

How Sam Sees It said...

Monty does the same thing - it is hard to explain how you can have a clean Golden with grass stains.


rottrover said...

Been there, done that!!

Rottie Kisses!

Sage said...

How else would we dogs get dry?

melf said...

OMG! So funny! My Daisy is about the same color of Chance, so I can appreciate the lovely gray color he became at the end.
When she was younger, Daisy would roll in the dirt at the dog park and look like Chance. It always made me laugh. So glad I am not alone in having a dog who loves dirt!

The Daily Pip said...

What's the problem? Makes perfect sense to me.

Your pal, Pip

Kristin G. said...

Hey, you missed a spot there on your side. ;) Happy Blog Hop Saturday!!

houndstooth said...

And that's why our girls stay locked in the house after a bath! lol

Team Kenzo said...

Haha, love it when they do that :) TG we have grass (left) in our garden!

Wyatt said...

Must get that shampoo stink off, RIGHT AWAY!! BOL


Unknown said...

Hi and congratulations! I recommended your blog to receive All Things Dog Blog's Versatile Blogger Award. You can collect your award and read about the rules for passing it on at http://www.allthingsdogblog.com/2011/07/duet-of-versatile-blogger-awards.html

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hi Y'all,

I don't think I ever told y'all that I love the pics in the header and the header design.

Y'all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog

House of Carnivores said...

Oh, that's great! My horses used to do that after a bath, believe it or not. I'm lucky now, because Argos is way too prissy to even consider mussing up his coat by rolling in the -dirt-.

Greyhounds CAN Sit said...

Lol, dirt and freshly bathed dogs seem to have a magnetic attraction! I wonder if it's because dogs just don't feel right if they smell clean? They want to get back to smelling like a dog asap? At least they didn't roll in anything smelly:)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I saw your photo on a side bar, I love dogs, big dogs, and you certainly have them. love the roll in the dirt, our baby girl does that to, especially when she is clean. all of your dogs are beatuiful

Pup Fan said...

LOL... oh, Chance. :)