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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

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Monday, June 13, 2011

Monday Memories-Mommy??

How can you not feel like a Mommy with all of these precious little ones?

Pamela at Something Wagging This Way Comes, had a post a while back about what name your dog refers to you as.  I remember cringing when someone refer to me as "Mom" in reference to my dogs.  I never thought of my dogs as kids and I communicated with them on an animal level.  And to be honest, I found the name a bit perverse. 

Then when Silver got pregnant and had those ten puppies something in my heart changed.  There was something to being a new Grandma and it seemed appropriate to be called Mommy to all of these new lives that we were so blessed with.  Now I find the name to be full of love and honor and will gladly be called Mommy any day.  I mean really, how could I not with that love bursting through ten little hearts?  :)


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We think you have earned the name Mommy and Grandma for all its dignity and honor and love. We like to call our Mom the Momster, but it is all in good fun.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Pup Fan said...

So true... look at that little pile of love!

Just Ramblin' said...

Isn't it funny how dogs can change our perspectives?! Love the photo and your blog.

I just wanted to let you know that you are a Genuine Blogger. Celebrate your blog, as it is comes across to the reader as heartfelt and genuine. There are no rules with this honor. Accept it and relish in the thought that your blog is “award worthy” without having any strings attached. It is an award that I hope allows recipients to know that their work is appreciated, valued, and noteworthy by a fellow blogger and it does not have the pressure of "rules and requirements" to follow. Receive and value it for the gift and honor in which it is intended. If you choose to give this award to a deserving fellow blogger, please do so with no “rules.” Award it to someone for his or her genuineness in blogging. Free and clear. Here is the post that explains the reasoning behind this award: https://justramblinpier.wordpress.com/2011/05/20/genuine-recognition/ . Here is your "badge/button" for you to grab your Genuine Blogger Award to post in your sidebar if you would like. http://justramblinpier.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/genuine-blogger-award.png
Just Ramblin’

Kristine said...

That's very true. I'm not a big fan of the word "mom" myself but perhaps that has more to do with my reluctance to have human children. :-P

You posts are always so lovely. The puppy photos don't hurt either!

ForPetsSake said...

Yup - wicked cute. From one mommy to another ;)

Anonymous said...

We all think of momma as momma and come right to her when she says, "Come to momma!" She's there when we are sick, or scared, or needy, or hurt, or just want to be cuddled...isn't that what mommas, do?

Siku Marie and The White Dog Army

Pamela said...

Thanks for the shout out. I saw a few visitors from 24 Paws yesterday.

As I said in my original post, the word "mom" also makes me feel uncomfortable. But other words can be so distancing. They just don't express anything about the love.

Maybe we need to invent a new word that expresses all the love and doesn't confuse people about whether we're talking about human children or dogs.