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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Have You Ever Noticed This?

The wind!  The smells!  It's too just too much!

I don't know if this happenes to anyone else, but on really windy days, I can't compete for Chance's attention during our walks.  He is all over the place, pulling and tugging with his nose every which way.  When I make him sit for pulling, it is like he is in this dreamy trance and we actually sit there for 10 minutes at a time.  We must have stopped 10 times more than usual due to his pulling.  Whatever the breeze was stirring up was filling his nostrils like cocaine.  He looked higher than a kite.  And anxious.  Bouncing off of ever tree and blade of grass to be found.   It was like an alien came and took over his body and brain.

I didn't see any other way out gaining his attention, unless I was to constantly feed him treats for the rest of our walk, so I turn around, cutting our walk rather short and followed this intoxicated dog back home.  It was just a little more than I could handle today.

Come to think of it all of the dogs were quite restless today with the wind blowing all day.  More than normal.  Wonder what the heck was in the air.

Has anyone else ever noticed this drunken affair with the wind?  Do you have a hard time getting your dog's attention when this happens?


The Daily Pip said...

Yep, I have noticed this, too, with both Pip and the cats! Very strange.

jen said...

Sherman and Leroy have done this before! It makes me nervous because I have no idea what they are smelling and I am just waiting for something to jump out at me!

houndstooth said...

Yes, we've noticed it, too! I'm guessing the wind on certain days can just produce olfactory overload! lol

Lavinia said...

I think it has more to do with the smells than the wind itself. Maybe a dam in heat? That would certainly make a lot of male dogs go looney.

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

I think all animals are a little less focused and a little more flighty on windy days. You're not alone.

Happy, Waggin' Tails, FUREVER!
Stumpy and me

Toyin O. said...

I don't really have pets, but this is good to know.

White Dog Blog said...

During canyon winds here, Quinn and me in particular will stand in the yard, nose up, mesmerized for a long long time. It is such a superhighway of great smells that we just have to close our eyes and concentrate on all the messages.

Gail said...

My Ki-Anne is like that, when the nose kicks in, the ears shut down.

Wyatt said...

That's how we are all the time..on every walk..haha!

Cute picture, we thought the post was going to be about dog gas..the wind, too much...BOL

Wyatt and Stanzie