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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Canine Marriage Counselors

The Doctors are in!!
I wonder how many marriages are saved by dogs?  I mean really, isn't the dog the first one you turn to after an argument with your spouse?  Maybe take off on a walk or explain to the dog what it seems your spouse obviously missed in the "conversation."  Who better to understand you than someone who agrees with everything you say and knows you are always right?  Isn't it the dog who looks at you with those compassionate eyes letting you know they get it?  Who better to vent your frustrations to than the one being who listens with an open heart and never talks back?  And isn't it your dog's unconditional love that gently reminds you to forgive and forget?  To start over with a clean slate?  Who always throws in a couple of puppy kisses to teach you to kiss and make up.  Who knew that dogs were such good marriage counselors and will only cost you a couple of bones for the services.  Aren't dogs great?

Welcome to the Saturday Blog Hop hosted by Life with Dogs, The Two Cavaliers and Confessions of the Plume.


Emily in Wonderland said...

I'm not married, so my dog hasn't saved my marriage, but I know my dog has saved my life these past few months. I wouldn't have left the house at all if it hadn't been for him.

Greyhounds CAN Sit said...

Hmm, in my case it was a bit of a catch 22 situation. I had too many dogs to take with me so I had to stay, but they made staying just bearable.

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Amazing ... just having a DOG in someones life. Happy BLOG HOP Weekend. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

houndstooth said...

They are great! It's probably why my husband always threatens to take the dogs and run away to see the world! lol

Sam said...

I know the dogs are the ones I always talk problems out with - they never judge, they never take sides, and they are more than happy to offer a hug.


Cherie K. Miller said...

Stopping by on the blog hop today - check out my video about the tornadoes that hit the south. I volunteer at the Etowah Valley Humane Society and we have 5 dogs that were left homeless - Hoss, Heidi, Dozer and Goldie & Marley. They all need homes... www.pet-peeves.org

Thanks for sharing your best advice about staying married! I just celebrated 10 years with my sweetheart.

Sweet Lily said...

On the contrary, I saved my dog's marriage.

Sam said...

Hi! Sam here from the blog hop!
Hmmm. I never did think of myself as a counsellor, but now that I do, I agree!

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

One dogs is great with marriage but two are better so each party gets someone understanding to vent to.

Pamela said...

I once read a story about a couple in Latin America who spoke to each other through their dog. The wife would say to the dog, "Don't you think he could do some work around here. He's always so lazy."

And the husband would reply to the dog, "All she does is nag. You think she'd realize it never works."

I don't know if it helped their marriage but they probably wouldn't have spoken at all without that dog.

fromsophiesview said...

A-A-MEN...HIGH 5 for the Canine Marriage counselors of the world...you are spot on...come on Sophie do you have to lick me that much!

Sage said...

We dogs are great listeners. Nothing like a good long walk to clear the air!

ForPetsSake said...

Many an argument here has erupted into hysterical laughter because the girls crack us up. Well written for sure!

May said...

Hi ! Thx for followin' my blog ! I really love yours !

Sweet kisses from France !

Yas said...

I cant agree more!

Maxx's mommy