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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Friday, May 27, 2011

Some Mommy Time

 What a day!

I had a very stressful week and today was particularly anxious.  The day has finally come to a close and while everyone has gone to bed, I have come to my favorite hideaway, where I can kick up my feet, have a few smokes and visiting with all my wonderful doggy friends.  I hadn't realize what a comfy spot this is and how much I have missed it the last few days.  My little home away from home.

The dogs have been so great through this time period.  I mean really who else would put up with only a minute here and there to get some attention?  We have missed quite a few walks as time has been so tight, but they have been such troopers through it all.  I have been tearing apart the house cleaning, so they have put up with many disruptions and the dreaded vacuum cleaner and they still love me.  I know I shouldn't laugh, but Chance puts on one hell of a show when the vacuum is running, darting and dashing every which way.  I can't help it, I think it's a bit comical.  :)

So here I sit, sipping on my pop, enjoying the gentle quiet of the evening and the wonderful fact that this nightmare week is almost over.  I feel like I can see the end of the tunnel.  I wasn't sure for a while if it was ever going to end.  Two more rooms to thoroughly clean and I'll be done.  Does anyone know what dog hair is going for on the black market??  BOL!  I think I have a fortune under every nook and cranny!  Amazing where you can find it.  Places that didn't seem possible.  You'd never know I just did a deep cleaning a month ago-geez!  Already Brut's tufts of fur are decorating the floor and couch.  I swear he leaves a trail every where he goes.  The job that never ends...SIGH...

Thank you for making this blogging space such a happy and wonderful place to call home.  It really feels good to be part of such a wonderful community and around such doggie loving friends.  I hope every one has a great weekend and for those of you in the US, Happy Memorial Weekend!   


The Daily Pip said...

This is an adorable picture! Be sure to stop by my party on Monday!

Your pal, Pip

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Cute pic. Hope you have a relaxing weekend.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Pamela said...

Nose and toes--the two best parts of a dog.

Sorry it's been a rough week. But everything goes better with dog company, doesn't it (even if the dogs cause lots of the housekeeping).

Kristine said...

I am sorry your week has been so stressful. It's lovely that your dogs are so understanding and know that you just need a little time. It can be very comforting to know that no matter what they will be there waiting for you when it is all over.

You take care of yourself this weekend.

Julia Williams said...

You know, there is a website that you can send all that fur and they will make "keepsakes" out of it!! Not saying it's necessarily a good idea to make a scarf or a hat from doggie hair, but the option exists, LOL.

Barbara said...

This is the same reason I love the blog world. It's such a wonderful place to be!

I hope next week is better!

Anonymous said...

Hope your extended holiday weekend is relaxing and filled with pup time. Imagine if all of us in the Blog World could combine that dog floof and use it to stuff blankets...every cold and homeless creature on the planet would at least have a couple of warm coverings! Still cannot comment regularly...speak of frustrating. White Dog and The White Dog Army

jen said...

Sorry your week has been so stressful. The blogging community is a great place isn't it?
I hope you have a wonderful and stress-free weekend!

ThePainterPack said...

I understand having a stressful week! I adore coming home to my babies and getting kisses...even fur up my nose. I have more husky fur in this house than I can keep up with...so I feel ya.

Enjoy your wonderful peace!!!

FiveSibesMom said...

Ah, that picture says it all! It really is so wonderful coming home to the furbabies...it's not a house that makes a home, it's our furkids! I hope you have a relaxing, enjoyable Memorial Day weekend with the pups! Husky hugs!

Anonymous said...

Happy Memorial Day Weekend to All of You!

Hope it's relaxing and full of fun :)

Waggin at ya,

Kirby, CGC said...

Happy Memorial day to you and your packs! Hoping this next week is less stressful for you.

Kirby's mom

Michelle said...

Hope you got your cleaning done and got a chance to enjoy your weekend! And you're right, the hair never ends - although in my house, it's the two little cats taht cuase me grief!