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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Friday, May 6, 2011

Lessons in Photography

We are working on designing a new header, so I decided to try and get some shots of the dogs.  I started with Zappa and Fiona, because my chances of getting all four Back  Dogs in a shot are about as good as winning the lottery.  So I figure I will start with the pairs.

These turned out pretty good, except I couldn't get either to look at the camera at the same time.  Then I had it.  The perfect shot.  Zappa was sitting down and Fiona was lying in front of him...I had it except my perfectionism played tricks with me as I fussed around trying to center the picture around a bucket on the ground that could have been cropped out when Zappa move and the moment was over.  I'm still kicking myself for that one.

We are working on designing a new header, so I decided to try and get some shots of the dogs.  I started with Zappa and Fiona, because my chances of getting all four Back  Dogs in a shot are about as good as winning the lottery.  So I figure I will start with the pairs.

These turned out pretty good, except I couldn't get either to look at the camera at the same time.  Then I had it.  The perfect shot.  Zappa was sitting down and Fiona was lying in front of him...I had it except my perfectionism played tricks with me as I fussed around trying to center the picture around a bucket on the ground that could have been cropped out when Zappa move and the moment was over.  I'm still kicking myself for that one.

So then I took a wild gamble and tried for all four Back Dogs together.  I couldn't believe it, they were all together in one spot.  Nobody was moving, Brut didn't know if I had treats or not, I had their attention except for Fiona. Just keep shooting, she'll turn around.   Moments like this don't come along every day....INTERNAL MEMORY FULL!  WHAT??  You've got to be kidding me!!  I didn't have my SD card and I couldn't move to go get it. ...NOOOOOOOOO!!  I couldn't believe it.  It was the best shot I've ever seen of the four of them together and I only got two shots.  All I could do was give them their treats and watch as everyone scattered.  The moment was blown and there was no going back.  I tried a few more times to get everyone together, but it just wasn't going to happen.  :(  Maybe tomorrow?

One last chance for a good shot with my trusty Front Dogs, Blaze and Chance.  I think this photo says it all of how my photo shoot went:

  Did you say play dead??


Yas said...

LOL! Great photo session!
Me love the last pic!!


BZ Dogs said...

LOL! If they did it once, they can do it again (at least, that's what I tell myself, although I'm not 100% sure I believe it!) Love that last picture! :)

Helen said...

I think it`s hard to get my dogs in one photo - and I only have two :)
Good luck:)

The Daily Pip said...

I have a hard time just getting Pip to cooperate - don't know what I would do if I have had a couple more of him! Love that last picture.

jen said...

Wow! Great photos! It's hard enough for me to get 2 dogs let alone 4!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

It isn't always important to get that perfect photo, but to capture the true spirit of the pups. It is really hard to get multiple dogs to look all at the same time. Mom says we have all perfected the don't-look-at-Mom thing. She has to use really super duper treats to get us to all look and even that doesn't always work. Sometimes a collage of the different pairings works well for a header too.

Good luck.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

I'm back to photographing just one dog, for now... So boring! I appreciate your efforts!

Diana Chiew said...

Our Aunty Diana will get us running and playing for a while to get us panting to get that "smile". Then she would get us to go onto the sofa. With treats in one hand to get our attention and camera in the other hand. That's how she gets all four of us in a picture!

Bailey Be Good! said...

I read this post to my mommy, and she said she totally understands!

Sending you furry hugs and I'm sure you'll get another 'moment' soon!

Woofs & hugs,


Pamela said...

Well the ones you got are grand!

Jon Katz, the writer, taught his three dogs the command "photo op." When he says it, they all cluster together for a picture. Maybe a new training goal?

Can't wait to see the new header pic.

Road Dog Tales said...

BOL! We dogs LOVE messing with our peeps like that when they have the camera pointed in our direction. It's even more fun when they start shouting HBO words when the battery goes dead. Great fun!

We really like the top pic and the bottom pic, though. It shows their personality!

The Road Dogs