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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Godfather Alex and the Reason

Today Silver was the chosen dog for our adventure.  We went to one of favorite spots where I can let her run free.  While on our stroll, I was thinking how both of our lives have changed.  From simply being Alex, Silver and my husband and I, to Brut and their litter of puppies to the current complexity of living with two packs of dogs.  How our lives have evolved and morphed into something I could have never dreamed of that started with Alex.  I think about how easy the years have passed as I watch Silver bound ahead of me without a care that her muzzle and toes continue to whiten with time while she scampers after a chipmunk.

Funny how you measure time with your dog's life.  This was Alex favorite spot too and I could almost see his big butt shooting down the hill, his long furry tail flipping this way and that.  He was such a shaggy mutt that walked with fun pride and without a care in the world.  He was just happy-go-lucky but with class.  He had a low, full bark that came from the bellows and would scare the holy right out of you, but he always did so with a wagging tail.  He was the one who got this ball rolling by coming into our lives.  You have got to love a dog who changes everything about you, because he knew who you really were inside.  I didn't know at the time when we got him if I was ready for a dog, but nothing prepared for the places he took me or heartache that still falls when I open my heart to the pain of losing him.

He is known as the Godfather to all his dog children.  For if it wasn't for Alex, there wouldn't be 24 Paws of Love.

Forever we love you Alex.



Kristine said...

Alex was gorgeous, wasn't he? Proof that sometimes you don't get the dog you want, but the dog you need. It's fascinating how one dog can change everything forever.

Michelle said...

"You have got to love a dog who changes everything about you, because he knew who you really were inside."
This is such a beautiful sentiment, and so very true. You brought tears to my eyes already today!

Boondocks said...

Amazing how we dogs can change a persons life, huh? I think it's cause we live in the present instead of the past, have an unwavering sense of fidelity, and always show unconditional love!


Anonymous said...

High Paws to the Godfather! The Gandhi of Dogs :)

Great memories of a great guy :D

Waggin at ya,

houndstooth said...

Alex was gorgeous! Sometimes it just takes the right dog at the right time in our lives for change to happen! :)

Sage said...

What a beautiful tribute to Alex! Each dog is special in his/her own right, but it takes a really special one to be the Godfather!!

Pup Fan said...

Awww... such a sweet post and a wonderful tribute to Alex!

Anonymous said...

This is a marvelous tribute to the wonderful Alex who knew what was inside of you and helped to free it! I bet he smiles mightily from the Other Side as he watches over that which he began!

White Dog and The White Dog Army

Edward said...

What a coincidence to be reading todays post. This morning was thinking about my 5 yo Jon. When I got him three years ago, his muxxle was still black. Last year, the bottom began to whiten. This year, it has spread to the top. Like this statement."...measure time with your dog's live"

Khady Lynn said...

It's amazing what changes one pup can bring to your life. Abby was my first Siberian, and because of her came all these others. At 16 she is still with us and I feel so blessed because of that. She started the great love I have for the breed. So, I totally understand how you feel about sweet Alex. They do give us so much love.