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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Friday, May 13, 2011

Chance Keeps Moving On Up!

Chance is getting so good at loose leash training that I'm able to let my mind wander on our walks without being pulled.  It is becoming more a natural experience for the two of us, walking together.  It feels great.  While we still have a ways to go on many things, I love having a foundation to fall back on.

I am working on solidifying his turn commands, Gee (right) and Haw (left).  This will help when he starts pulling the bike again before sled season starts.  I have been giving him the commands and then making the turns.  Now I am letting him make the decision.  I give the command and wait for him to turn his nose in the right direction, reward while turning in the direction.  He did fantastic our last walk.  He hesitates for a moment but has been spot on every time.      

My next challenge with Chance is to have Daddy walk with us.  In order to do that I've started working with  Chance on our pace speeds.  I am a quick walker and have learned to minimize pulling by speed walking with a dog, while Daddy is a more relaxed walker.  So I've started training him on following the different paces I set.  So far, so good.  Once I have to a point I am comfortable with Chance, I will have Daddy walk with us. This will probably test Chance on many different levels because our walk will be in a completely different context with Daddy there.  Daddy lets Chance walk and pull anyway he wants, so it ought to be interesting to say the least.  :)

For our last update you can read Chance's Walking Update 


Anonymous said...

This is my favorite photograph. The nose says it all. Brilliant

Really good post. Mart

houndstooth said...

Perhaps you need to make a video of that for us! lol Good luck!

BZ Dogs said...

Great progress! :)

(I definitely know that "speed walking" thing with my first boy - at times it made me wish I had a smaller dog, or at least one with shorter legs! :)

Lavinia said...

Good job with Chance! I also love the photo, doggie muzzles are really adorable.

Hmm, I wonder how Chance would respond to Daddy not letting him pull. Maybe if you both reinforce the walking lessons, he would learn faster.

24 Paws of Love said...
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24 Paws of Love said...

OH Lavi, now you know my real secret struggles. Training Daddy!! BOL!! Thank goodness the dogs are so smart that they know the difference, for now!

FiveSibesMom said...

Attaboy, Chance!!! Good job!

Linda Harding said...

Awwww I just want to give Chance a huge snuggle for being such a clever boy!!

Pup Fan said...

It's awesome that Chance is making so much progress!

Michelle said...

Sounds like you're making tons of progress!