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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Water Walks with Daddy

Come rain, sleet, hail and snow, that's the way our Huskies must go.  I have to say, of all my walks with the dogs, today was the best so far.  It was pouring rain and I was going to wait until it stopped before taking the dogs for their walks, but I decided to go spontaneously.

I started with the Front Dogs because the Back Dogs were just chilling out and didn't want to go outside because of the rain.  So I first took Blaze and at first she didn't know what to think, but when I opened the gate she had no problem and away we went.  Of course as we left the house it started to rain harder, but that didn't phase Blaze a bit.  She wasn't paying any attention to the fact that she was getting soaked.  Her mission was to search and sniff out anything she can find in a short period of time.  Needless to say the rain had no effect on her and it actually helped when she stopped to dig a couple of holes because the ground was so soft.

Well, by the time Blaze and I finished our walk, I was half soaked.  After taking Chance for his walk, I can say I was totally wet, except for my top half that was covered by my raincoat.  I still had four more dogs to walk and there was no getting out of being completely drenched before it was all over with.

As I was walking Brut, Zappa, Fiona and Silver, I decided the best way and easiest game plan to deal was the rain was to "act like a dog" and follow their lead.  The dogs were really enjoying themselves and so was I as I walked in their "paw steps."  It was a blast and I knew before it was all over that I was going to feel great regardless of the downpour.   Each dog got their own shower and it is too bad I didn't bring some shampoo!  I couldn't have killed two birds with one stone.  Maybe next time!

I was really glad I started with the Front Dogs first because that meant Silver was going to go last and she is the easiest one to walk.  The last walk was the hardest because let me tell you, my pants and boots where so heavy that my legs felt like lead weights.  I imagine the dogs were also carrying around a couple extra pounds of heavy fur as well!  When I finally changed into some dry clothes I looked around and I saw all six dogs crashed out with spiky wet fur and content looks on their faces, making our water walk one of the best walks we've had.


Yas said...

I bet they're all soo happy, contented and fulfilled! Look at their faces!! :)


jet said...

haha mine HATE the rain!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

The Momster doesn't mind walking in the rain if it isn't also cold out there. Phantom is not a rain dog at all, he won't go out in it unless he is desperate for a potty break. TD and Ciara just LOVE the rain and could sit out in it all day long.

Glad your walk went so well, despite the wetness.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

houndstooth said...

I enjoy a good walk in the rain, but fortunately, the girls don't like downpours any more than I do!

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Hah! It would take dynamite to get Stumpy out in a downpour! Glad you could enjoy it!

White Dog Blog said...

Nothing like walkin' in the rain with theones you love! So invigorating...and the warmup cuddling after cannot be beat! Congratulations on discovering one of life's best kept secrets...humans don't melt in the rain!