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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Monday, April 4, 2011

Monday Memories-Ice Cream

When Blaze first came back, it was quite heartbreaking and very difficult to say the least.  Witnessing the aftermath of this sweet little girl who'd been beaten and shot at was devastating.  She had become a shell of herself.  How many nights and days I wept over this tiny girl who I watched be born and grow with so much love, only to have it all shattered. 

Blaze was and is very strong willed.  She is defiant in every sense of the word.  She didn't survive her nightmare by being mild mannered.  She had an inner strength that she had no problem expressing.  She had been locked up before by her previous owners for hours on end, where she learned how to bark non-stop.  A high pitched, nervous bark that normal ears couldn't possibly survive through and that sent my sensitive ones through the roof.

Since Blaze was separated from the other dogs and we were just starting to introduce her to Zappa, she was alone when I would spend time with the Back Dogs.  She would get on the kitchen island and bark with persistence until I would come back where she would wag her tail and jump down with this huge smile on her face.  Trying to operate with our new addition to the family and the special circumstances that ensued was quite trying to say the least.  My nerves would be on end, I would be exhausted and wore and Blaze didn't make it very easy.

My husband and I took turns sleeping with Blaze every other night, so she didn't have to be alone.  One night it was my turn with Blaze and it had been another raw day with all the dogs.  I was at my wits end with Blaze and the situation, I got out the ice cream, grabbed two spoons, sat on the floor and Blaze and I had a traditional girls night together.  Together we let the cool sweetness melt away all our problems for those moments.  We had a heart to heart talk in between spoonfuls and let go of all of our troubles and differences.  As we finished the last of our desert, I think we both felt a little better and a little closer as we headed off to bed together. 

There was something special about that secret girl time together and now anytime it's been 'one of those days,' I pull out the ice cream and a couple spoons and Blaze and I have a little girls getaway.


Bailey said...

I enjoyed reading the story of Blaze -- thank you for sharing it! I can see how ice cream has a way of making things alright... Nala and I BOTH vouch for that. :)

Woofs & hugs,


Anonymous said...

Ice Cream makes everything better! :D


Emily in Wonderland said...

That was very, very sweet. I know just what you mean.

... I always strive to share the ice cream with just my baby Amelia. (girl kitty). Those boys can eat the meat. lol

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Ice cream is such a comfort food:) And we three pups love it.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

How Sam Sees It said...

Nice - it sounds like you found a true bonding moment with her! Plus, a bowl of ice cream makes all the problems go away!


jen said...

What a wonderful way to for the two of you to bond! It's special memories like this that keep us going:)

ForPetsSake said...

Sharing always seems to make things better. Thanks for sharing Blaze's story with us!

Budrow Wilson Spain said...


Sage said...

What Blaze must have gone through. You have done a marvelous job of building back her confidence and trust.

Pamela said...

And I bet Blaze is so happy you had a bonding moment over ice cream instead of pedicures (or is that pet-i-cures).

As you look back on the early days and see how hard it was and how far Blaze has come since then, aren't you just amazed? It's amazing what love and care can do.

24 Paws of Love said...

Pamela, it still blows me away. Every time I write about it or really think back, I can't seem to get over it.