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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Dear Zappa,

The mystery in your eyes shows a world I can not begin to know.  The depths of those eyes mystifies me as if you hold the secrets of heaven and I realize how much I do not understand you.  Secrets I can not begin to unlock and so we dance.  We dance silently around each other, never really know who you are. 

I find myself still in the puppy love stage of our relationship.  The sweet loving puppy, full of kisses and life.  You still shower me with those kisses and prove we are still connected.  I cherish those moments when you seek me out.  When I search your eyes, I still get lost in the questions that surround your soul.  Truths that are beyond my years and an aloof love that bewilders me.  As if it is not time for me to know all that you hold so dear in those open pools of love.

As I slowly wade into those pools, feeling the comfort and peace that you are there, I find an uncertainly of such an enigmatic creature who seems to hold all keys and the secrets that you have to bestow.

And the mystery contiues...



FiveSibesMom said...

The eyes are truly the windows to the soul...and may the mystery continue, full of love and hope and puppy kisses! What a sweet face!

Yas said...

The eyes says a lot. What a mesmerizing
gaze you give!


Greyhounds CAN Sit said...

Beautiful ... both your love letter to Zappa and Zappa.

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Lovely ... Truly True ... Our Eyes Says a Lot. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

The Daily Pip said...

What a lovely post! The eyes say it all.

Your pal, Pip

jen said...

Figuring out the mystery is the fun part, it's what keeps us going:)
Touching post:)

houndstooth said...

I think we're not meant to know everything. The mysteries of the world are what keep it fascinating and exciting!

Pup Fan said...

Such a sweet post. :)

White Dog Blog said...

A love song to Zappa that is deep and wonderful and so full of soul connection! Thank you for sharing.

ForPetsSake said...

So much love shining through - both from you and in his eyes :)