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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Unleash the Beast

I never planned on having the world's most perfectly trained dogs.  From the start of each of my dogs lives, I have wanted them to be the creatures they were born to be.  I have only wanted them to be as close to their natural selves as possible.  There is nothing more sacred than an untamed heart regardless of human comforts.  A place where their souls and spirits run with the wind.  Free to claim their stake of the wild within them.  To blossom into their most authentic selves.  The same beast lies within us and needs to be unleashed as well.  Who says that dogs own the rights to that kind of freedom?  :)

*No we don't have any snow.  lol  Photo was taken earlier this winter*


Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm ;) So what's your beast gonna do when you let it out hmmmmm??? Mom thought runnin nekked in the forest might be fun but then thought about the fire ants and giant spiders and decided keepin her beast leashed might be best ;D

Waggin at ya,

Kristine said...

I have always been a littler jealous of dogs for being able to feel so free to just be themselves. Honestly, I think I have lost track of whatever beast may be inside me. As a human I learned a long time ago to tame it and put it away, probably forever. But maybe it's something else my dog can teach me.

I hope you enjoy it!

Unknown said...

Im just jealous that my my dogs can get over stuff so quickly with no lagging emotions.

Sage said...

Mom lets me be "a dog" and run free, free, free only at 1000 acres (my favorite off-leash dog park). Then I have to come home and "focus".....

houndstooth said...

I agree, we all need to let go at times! Although, learning some moderation with it helps. :P

sisko said...

I just love watching Sisko and Juno being what they are and enjoying the freedom of being a dog.

We try to give them that often yet maintain our pack at the same time. :)

FiveSibesMom said...

Oh, I so agree! What a wonderful gift to watch them be free, and the same for us as well! We can certainly learn a lot from watching our furbabies indeed.

Yas said...

Wish i could let Maxx off leash too at times, it's just so wonderful to see him run free and just be a dog!


ForPetsSake said...

Nothing better than doggie playtime!!