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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Secret of the Leaf Piles

 I found the secret with my dogs about their bathroom habits a couple of years ago and it still amazes me every time I go to clean up the yard. 

After having a litter of puppies and finally being down to two, Zappa and Fiona, plus Brut and Silver, I was just grateful they were going outside that I didn't care much where they did it. I also wasn't making any special trips in the middle of a snowstorm at odd hours of the night to teach them to use a particular area of the back of the yard and so I was left with a mine field to clean up. 

I was stumped at how to retrain the dogs to use certain areas of the yard.  Especially the older dogs.  I didn't see much success with them.  When the puppies were a year old, I was raking leaves and we had a burn ban because it was so dry, so I left the piles to sit until I could take care of them.  When I went out to clean up the yard the next day, low and behold, they were using the leaf piles.  A light bulb went off.  So I arranged the piles at their favorite spots and they continued to use them.  The first year was about an 80% success rate and by the second year is was more like 90%.  Now I would say I can count on knowing where to walk in our yard.  I couldn't figure out how in the world I could retrain them and they did it for me!  It still blows my mind when I do my yard duty that I didn't have to do anything, they did it on their own.  I don't have to do anything but rake the leaves from the fall into the same piles.  Fantastic!!

I have no idea if this would work for other dogs or not, heck, I still don't know how it worked for my dogs, but the whole thing has been a life saver and it even works in the winter.  That is just so cool!!  It is equally great that we have a yard full of trees, which means endless leaves , and a forest floor, so there is no lawn or grass to kill.  Somebody up there was listening, because this was one thing I could never do on my own!  Isn't it simply amazing how things just work themselves out?          


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Our trees are so small in the yard that it would be tough to keep enough leaves there for us:) So we force the Momster to have to do poop patrol a couple of times a week. Great idea, though.

Happy St. Patrick's Day.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

jen said...

That is pretty cool!
Makes life a bit easier!

Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

What a cool idea, thanks fur sharing!
AND... Happy Saint Patrick's Day :)


Lavinia said...

Wow, that's an interesting story. Too bad there are no piles of leaves here, or I'd try what you suggested. Aschiuta somehow got the idea that it's not good to do her business on the pavement and we always go to the same place. Dogs sometimes surprise us with their tidiness, even if they don't mind getting out in the rain and coming in all muddy-pawed.