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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Perfect Dogs

 Aren't we perfect just the way we are??

I watched an infomercial about a magical method to train your dog.

I've seen it before and I walk away in shame every time.  I can't afford the five minute solution, which means I will probably be living with problematic dogs forever.
I don't know why I watch this infomercial again and again, trying to find the magic answer because I always walk away feeling doomed.  I watched with hope as all of these crazy, rambunctious dogs are turned into the perfect dog, over and over.  Those could be my dogs!  They could be perfect too!  My eyes were glued to screen as this mysterious product solved EVERY dog problem there was, in minutes!!  Why I subjected myself to the torture was way beyond me, but I sat there and wanted one of those perfect dogs in my home.
When I finally tore myself away, defeated and hopeless, Daddy was coming home and the dogs were jumping around like crazy.  No where near the perfect dogs on the screen and so far from getting there.  Feeling utterly hopeless, it was playtime and the dogs continued with their insanity until I went out to play with the them.  I had a hard time shaking off the doom I was feeling.  While my dogs ran around wildly, I still wanted one those other dogs that were so perfect.  

Next thing I knew Silver was bringing me her football for a game of fetch and chase.  She teased me with the ball, shaking it in her mouth, while taking off before I could catch her.  Throwing her head back as if laughing with victory.  Then Fiona joined in on the fun, trying to steal the ball from Silver and beat her in the chase for it.  Brut and Zappa were in a mad hunt with Daddy to find the squirrel that just had to be somewhere.  While Chance and Blaze were having a good chasing game waiting for their turn to play with me.  I took a moment to take it all in and I realized I did have the perfect dogs for me.

Six devoted friends that despite all the errors, mishaps, and mistakes I've made, still loved me.  Even with all my shortcomings and lack of experience they were still as happy as could be.  They didn't care that I wasn't perfect and I realized I didn't need the perfect dog either.  I wanted and needed MY dogs and that was good enough for me. 


jet said...

All dogs are perfect.

The Daily Pip said...

Being perfect is over-rated. It's the unexpected imperfections that keep life interesting.

Your pal, Pip

Pamela said...

I hate those ads for training your dog to be "perfect." I don't think those folks understand anything about having a relationship with an animal.

But I used to wish I could have a perfectly trained dog. For me, a big turning point was to read Suzanne Clothier's book, Bones Would Rain From the Sky. It was like having the sky open up and angels start singing to realize that I could try to understand what motivated my dog and work with her instead of trying to "fix" her to behave a certain way.

The amazing thing is that as I let go of wanting a "perfect" dog, I get closer to having one. Because I'm learning how to communicate instead of just train.

BTW, you do know that you've set out to do the impossible, right? Care for 6 dogs who require a degree of separation to live peacefully? Yep, you're crazy. But in a good way. :)

Unknown said...

Thats why I have haylie she is my perfect dog heheheh.
its called dog envy and we have it of those people with well behaved awesome dogs hehehehe

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Yup, all dogs are perfect. Stumpy may not be the dog on the infomercial but she knows my heart and that works perfectly, for both of us!

houndstooth said...

If you're talking about the infomercial that I think you are, I doubt it works like that guy claims, anyway! To me, those dogs aren't perfect, anyway, they're like Stepford Dogs. I enjoy the work of training with my dogs, but I don't expect them to be any more perfect than I am. Are there certain behaviors that I won't tolerate? Of course, and I want them to be civilized when people come over to visit, but I don't expect them to be perfect all the time! That just leads to disappointment! :)

White Dog Blog said...

The perfect dogs are the ones who feel safe and loved and comfortable enough to be themselves and the perfect mom is the one that nurtures and provides that environment! Sounds like nirvana in your place!

Lavinia said...

The "perfect dog" must be a kind of robot. We're not all equal and I don't think we should expect our pets to behave like clock-work and as if they were simple robots.

Aschiuta plays with me like that too. She brings me the ball, but when I try to take it, she backs off, jumping around. I do envy people who walk beside their dogs without a leash.

The thing is, we love our dogs just the way they are and they love us despite all our flaws too. I agree with you, those are the perfect kind of dogs.

Jessi said...

Your dogs are adorable! Those dogs in the commercials probably have problems as well, they just show the one thing they have mastered.

Kira said...

I really like this post. Especially in the last year since I got hurt, I pretty frequently get down on myself for not "keeping up" with Murphy's training as well as I should. I should spend 15-20 minutes practicing commands with him every day. Realistically I don't and I'm not sure I ever will. He's not "perfect" but he's perfect. He can't retrieve things by name or get me a beer out of the fridge and he doesn't sit perfectly calmly before greeting new people. Maybe someday he will learn those things but for now we live happily with our routine and he does everything that I need him to do for that to work.

Kira and Murphy

Sage said...

I agree with you and everyone who's commented. I would really like a 'brilliant recall', and I have it MOST of the time, but there are times when we aren't too brilliant. So, we keep working on it. I think of all the great things my dogs have learned and do, and I'm happy.