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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Correction, An Anwer and Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!!

First I have a correction:  I listed the EAR CLEANSING FORMULA on Doggie Medicine Cabinet that I got from Hound Girl wrong.  I already changed it on the post but, it should be 3 parts rubbing alcohol and 1 part vinegar.  Here is the actual post from Hound Girl about Dog Ears.  

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Second:  Monday Memories-Where's Chance?
For everyone who guessed the puppy laying down on the left...
You were right!!

I was so impressed with how many people guessed correctly, when I had to cheat to figure it out myself.  BOL!!

And here was Fiona during the white puppy get together.  Sleeping with all her stuffie friends!!
Much better than hanging out with her brothers!!

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And third:  Thanks to Kristine at Rescued Insanity for this awesome and crazy award.

Now I must pass it on to five recipients:

Next:  To tell five facts about yourself.  Four of them are fabrications and one the whole truth.
See if you can guess which one is real.

1.  My husband and I are huge country music fans.  We prefer the older stuff, like Hank Williams Sr. and Johnny Cash.

2.  My husband is lousy with tools.  I have to show him how to use a hammer and he is scared of power tools. 

3.  I have a terrible green thumb, once a plant has entered my house it might as start digging it's grave.

4.  I love spiders.  I won't let my husband kill any in the house. I catch them and put them outside.

5.  My husband is highly organized.  He drives me crazy needing everything to be just so.

So there you have it.  Can you guess which one is the truth?

And thanks again to Kristine for this great and fun Award.



Pamela said...

Ok, after picking the wrong puppy as Chance my competitive urges are strong. I want to go reading through all your old posts looking for hints for the true fact. But then I'd be late to work and I need to keep Honey in kibble and toys.

So I'll just take a guess: My guess is #1 but that's probably just because I like Johnny Cash and Hank Williams and hope you do too.

Congratulations on the award.

Levi said...

Wow! Thanks for the award :) That's pretty cool.

I think that #2 is correct-only cause my daddy is kinda like that too :)

Chicco said...

Hello! I come here to tell you that i have an award for you in my blog.


Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

Furry congrats on the award - and I'm going with... #4??

Rudy's Raiser

Pup Fan said...

Aw, that photo of Fiona is beyond cute! Congrats on your award. :)

vivariums said...

Fiona, you are looking very nice with your beautiful colorful friends. Sleep well....

The Daily Pip said...

Oh, this is tricky. I am going to say #4 is true just because it seems so strange that it maybe it is true. Truth is stranger than fiction right? If it is not #4, then I say #2.

Your pal, Pip

Melissa said...

I'm going to guess #4 because I actually do that! My compassion for living things is so powerful that I can't even kill bugs in my house :) I trap them in cups and throw them outside ... but they still give me the heebie jeebies!! BTW, the puppy pictures are adorable!

Lavinia said...

Grats for the award, you totally deserve it! And thanks for offering it to me too. It's a huge honour (yesterday I won second place in a darts contest, I'm all "yay" about everything these days).

Fiona is so sweet with her stuffed toys. I hope she didn't shred them.

And more guessing... I kind of think the truth is that you don't kill spiders, but let them live. Now that I look at it, a lot of people said the same thing.

houndstooth said...

Ha ha! Thanks for the award! I think the spider is the lie!