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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Friday, February 18, 2011


Is it really OK to be an animal lover and not support a cause?  Is it enough that caring for my own pets is my cause?  I would like to think so.  There is always a sense of guilt that I'm not doing enough for the animal world, because it takes everything, everything I have to take care of my own pets needs.  I have sacrificed many things so that my dogs get the care they deserve and time and money are among them, leaving very little for anything else.

Brut is a full time job alone.  Sometimes I just can't do all that I want to do with my own dogs.  Some days it takes everything I have to juggle time and energy and still have some left for myself.  Can my examples of my daily living with six dogs divided into two packs be enough in showing my strengths and weaknesses of living with dogs?  Is it enough to show through our struggles and triumphs that we care about the reasons we all love living with animals in our home?

While I take the time to ponder these questions and wonder if I am doing enough, I take a look at Brut, Chance and Blaze.  Brut could have easily been beaten by another owner because of his aggressions.  He would have been an excellent candidate for dog fighting.  Or he could have put in a shelter and put to his death if he hadn't wound up in our arms.  I'm not saying that no one else could handle him, but he's here, in my home for a reason.  Yes, there are plenty of days I wish he could be the perfect dog and magically erase all of the bad things that are part of him, but there are many more days that I am grateful that he is just who he is.  Somehow he has become part of my job to watch over and protect him from himself.  I don't take that job lightly.  It may be stressful and painful, but somehow I was the one who was blessed with it.  There is a raw beauty in watching him grow and I don't take that lightly either.

Chance and Blaze are prime examples of my cause.  They both came back from our own litter beaten, neglected and abused.  Some of their behaviors still stem from that abuse and they sometimes need more care because of the damage that was done.  With their comeback they became the second pack of our family, bringing with it's own set of challenges and joys.

Each of these dogs could have fallen into the "system."  Each one of them found their way to us.  I think they are a good enough reason to be enough.      


Helen said...

I think you are a wonderful person to take care of six dogs, dogs are animals that needs a lot of our time. I wish I was able to take care of more dogs - some day I hope I can. You do an amazing job.

Kristine said...

Of course it's enough. It's enough to love and put out that positive feeling in the world. In fact, it is no small thing. I get caught up in the guilt as well. I believe in so many causes and I feel like I should be spending 100% of my time working towards these great big world-changing things. But the truth is, just supporting the causes emotionally by being kind and loving our families, is world-changing. Being human, being honest, taking time to appreciate what you have, can be a radical act.

Happy Friday!

Pamela said...

I'm reading a great book right now, called 12 x 12 about a man's time living in a 12 x 12 house while pondering his next steps in life. The house's owner advises him to "see, be, do."

It's easy to see all the needs. And, in a sense, it's easy to be motivated to action by guilt. But learning how to "be" is the hard part.

Everything you write says you and your dogs are learning how to "be" so your care for them and the messages you share with us are your "doing." You have a message and you're living it every day with your dogs and sharing it with us in cyberspace. It is a wonderful thing to do.

georgia little pea said...

Hello, I'm not sure but this might be my first time here :)

I absolutely agree that your dogs are a good enough cause! It sounds like you're doing a wonderful job with their rehabilitation.

I often wish I could be one of those intrepid souls that save an elephant colony. But I'm not. I just save 1 dog (or 2) at a time. That's not fantastic, but it'll have to do. Over a lifetime, it might even add up to quite a number. More importantly, it'll
mean something to the dogs that found a way out of the system, and a home with us :)

jen said...

Yes and yes! Caring for your dogs is cause enough!
You have done your part and continue to do it, it's a full time job. They need your focus and you do an awesome job:)

Cherie said...

More than enough. Everyone does their part in a different way. Some of us contribute to special causes because that is their way in helping, others welcome the animals into their family as you have. We all have different roles in helping. You are doing great!

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

In caring for our own dogs we are, hopefully, setting a great example for others. That's enough.

Happy tails!
Stumpy and me

Corbin said...

Just think... if it weren't for you, your dogs would be in a shelter. That's cause enough :-) You took on the responsibility of a good breeder and took your dogs back when they needed it. That's a good cause to me :-)

Oskar said...

What a great post. Sometimes my mom person feels guilty for buying me from a breeder, but she just didn't know much about rescues then.

You are doing enough!

Nubbin wiggles,

houndstooth said...

I think there are a lot of ways to help animals and their welfare, and there's no set template. I know some people make donations to the adoption kennel where our hounds came from, but I don't have extra money much of the time. What I do have is my time, and a voice. If I see a story that touches me, I share it on Twitter or Facebook, or even my own blog. I've fostered in the past, too, but we're full at the inn right now. Our dogs and their needs come first, though, and other things are secondary to that. I think it all depends on what you're comfortable with and can do!

Trixie, Lily, and Sammy-Joe said...

We think you do plenty for animals! Just blogging about your experiences with your six dogs is doing a lot. And when you are caring for SIX dogs, clearly you won't have time or space to do much else!!! :)

Maggie Mae and Max said...

You do as much as you can and that is alot! Mom wishes dat we could do more too, maybe some day we will be able to. :)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Kirby, CGC said...

Wow, I admire you for taking care of 6 dogs, some of which have some real issues. Kirby is dog reactive and I couldn't imagine having more than one of him. The fact that you gave these dogs a second chance when no one else would can speak volumes to other people. I believe if we all do what we can than we can make a difference in a dogs life...you are making a difference!

Kirby's mom

sisko said...

You're doing your part just by being you with these wonderful 6 dogs. That in itself is more than a lot of people do and I can only imagine you have your 3 hands full :)

ForPetsSake said...

Each person has a role to play, I believe. Right now, in your universe, you're playing that part. I think if you give your all to something - whether your pack or rescue, or volunteering, etc, you are putting goodness out there. Isn't that what it's all about?

Pup Fan said...

I agree with what everyone else said... you're wonderful and amazing for taking care of these 6 dogs, and it's definitely cause enough. :)

Unknown said...

You are an inspiration. Individually, we can only do so much. So spread the love. Your actions do inspire other people. That my dear is cause enough. Sharing some loving your way over at http://www.naturalk9supplies.com/

FiveSibesMom said...

YES it most certainly is enough to be taking care of your own. You set a wonderful example of what it is to love and care for animals. By posting your stories, photos, and experiences, I like to think that is part of supporting the great cause - the animals themselves. Bravo to you for the work you are doing with your own...for without you, where would they be?