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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Daddy's Walking Progress

My walking routine with the Back Dogs is getter stronger and better.  The sun rises, the sun sets and every other day the 24 Paws of Love take part in Daddy's exercising program

Last week it was really cold as the high was around 10F (-12C) so I just walked the Back Dogs (Brut, Zappa, Fiona and Silver) to the corner and back which didn't take very long.  So I decided to walk the Front Dogs (Chance and Blaze) as well.  Which made me feel better, since they always seeing me walk the Back Dogs. 

So as of today the Front Dogs have joined in with the Back Dogs to help Daddy get in shape.  The walks are a little shorter due to the cold, but are longer for me adding the Front Dogs.

So far Brut, Zappa, Fiona and Silver have slowed a little bit and as each walk goes by, it is becoming more routine with them.  Brut has his "four on the floor."  Zappa walks zigzagging.  Fiona makes like she's trying to find the big surprise someone may have buried.  And good old Momma Dog Silver she just trots along like she always does.

Now that I have Chance and Blaze added to the routine, it's really a full boat.

Taking Chance then Blaze was like taking two Back Dogs at the same time.  It went quite well walking Chance.  He is doing good with Mommy and his walking training with her.  I am not able to do that yet, so when she lets me take over and she uses the word, "release" (which gives him free reign on the leash) and Chance did just that.  It took me by surprise.  I just can not believe the power that boy has.

Blaze is just what her name says. A Blaze.  She's not as strong as Chance, but she can be quite a handful.

The third time taking the Front Dogs they were getting better.  I think they were just happy that they were going for a walk with Daddy after watching me walk the Back Dogs and it made me feel complete walking them too.   


houndstooth said...

It will pay off in the end! Keep walking! :)

Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

Keep up the great work!
Love the picture :)

Rudy's Raiser

Sage said...

Walking is my favorite exercise, so I'm all for it!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on adding Blaze and Chance to the routine. That must mean Pup Mom really trusts you not to undo all her loose leash training!

Peggy Frezon said...

Way to go. The pawprint is perfect, too!

FiveSibesMom said...

Sounds like things are coming along nicely! Great work and great pawprint pic! Happy Friday!

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hi Y'all,

Yes we are great motivators and we are going to demand you stay exercised.

Y'all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog

Christina said...

Burrrrr! That sounds awefully cold! You are a very good daddy! Happy Valentines to all your furbabies!

Lexi and Christina

PS: We are stopping over from the blog hop!