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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Brut and Daddy Walking in Rhythm

Well now that I am in our fourth week of walking with the dogs as part of my exercise routine.  It seems that Brut, Zappa, Fiona and Silver are getting into the program just fine.  Daddy's New Year resolution

Even though they all want to go first, I walk the dogs in the same order, so there is no misunderstanding between the dogs.   Brut is always first, then Zappa, Fiona and Silver follow.

Each time we go, the dogs seem to be going at a steady pace.  Not like it was when I first started and everyone was so excited that I could hardly keep up with them.  We are getting into a routine.  Although, I don't know who gets more excited, them or me.

Well Brut was in a really grand mood as we began our journey today.  As always he went at his steady pace making his mark every ten to fifteen paces.  Only this time it was more like making a little musical.  Every time Brut made his mark, he did his "four on the floor" (scraping the ground with all paws) then grabbed a mouthful of snow and he was on the move again.  He did this over and over again, for the entire 45 minute walk.  It was a song in the making:

Brut's four on the floor
Eat some snow
Come on Daddy
Let's go some more 

The next time I take Brut I'm going to take my tape recorder and get it down, because we were rocking around that block!! 

After all the dog walks are over, both Daddy dogs lay down for a nap.


greygirl25 said...

So funny, you created a wonderful visual.

Helen said...

I am trained by my dogs as well :) Enjoy your walks.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

How fun - we can't wait to see that on video! And we really are feeling very deprived here, we need a walk too - the Momster is still waiting for clear and dry sidewalks:(

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Sage said...

That's hilarious! Brut has quite the routine going.

Wyatt said...

It looks like they are doing warm up stretchs for their next walk. Yay!


houndstooth said...

That sounds like an entertaining video!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're walking more, dogs are great for getting you into a walking routine. Wonderful blog.


Yas said...



ForPetsSake said...

Good walks are make me feel pretty awesome, too ;)

Lavinia said...

Brut is a very proud dog, not only marking, but also giving it a trademark. I'm sure everyone had a lot of fun.