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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday Memories-Before Brut

Silver 3 months old

It is easy to forget there was a life before Brut and kids came along.  Where once upon a time Silver was our main girl. She was our first puppy together and it was like having our first kid.  Daddy went crazy buying toys and treats.  We lived on a big hay field at the time, where we took long walks through the fields and Silver was able to run free.  Big brother Alex was her best friend and it was a simple time.

Alex and Silver (3 mos.)

  Silver loved to play and learn games.  We played any sport that involved a ball.  Tennis, basketball, soccer and her all time favorite football.  She still loves playing with a football today.  We used to make up games and change the rules as we went.  One minute we were on opposing teams and the next we were scoring a goal together.  When the weather was bad I would turn up the music and play hide and seek with her.  She loved this game.  I would throw a ball one way then run and hide in the other direction until she would find me, then it was a race to find the ball to do it all over again.  We had such a blast together and the time was magical.

Gotta find Mommy!
Silver created many memories that I will always cherish.  I was reminded of our game times when we were Brut-free for a couple of hours and we had the freedom to play without Brut trying to jump on top her.  Yes, things change when you get married and have kids, but deep down she will always be my little Silver.           


How Sam Sees It said...

What wonderful memories you have! ...and such a cutie!


Lavinia said...

Silver was a sweet puppy. Yes, memories are great, especially when you got to see your dog growing up around you, learning new things...

houndstooth said...

She sure was a cutie!

Kristine said...

Our dogs fill our homes so completely, sometimes more than our human family members do. Thanks for sharing more memories.

ForPetsSake said...

Oh my goodness - what a wonderful tribute to a simpler time!

Unknown said...

I was never very good at giving individual attention when I only had two dogs. I marvel at all your do with six!

That was a lovely piece about a beautiful member of your family. Thank you.

Unknown said...

I was never very good at giving individual attention when I only had two dogs. I marvel at all your do with six!

That was a lovely piece about a beautiful member of your family. Thank you.

Corbin said...

She was (and still is!) so adorable!

KB said...

That is a beautiful memory.

Isn't it funny how a 60 lb dog can still be "little" in the eyes of the one who raised her?

Levi said...

What wonderful memories (and pictures)!