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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Daddy's View Point-How Much is that Doggie in the Window?


It doesn't take much for me to start talking about the dogs.  Here is a typical day:  I am at the gas station and the cashier sees Zappa riding shotgun with me.  "What a wonderful looking dog!" she says.   And that's all it takes for me to start pulling out pictures and narrating a slide show about the 24 Paws of Love.  I can't help it.  I can never talk enough about my wonderful family. 

Well every now and then I come across someone who loves dogs, but looks at me and ask, "How do you afford it?  It must cost a mint to feed them."

I know they want to say more but they just smile and look at me like I am crazy. 

One person even told me that I was never going to get ahead during these hard times, unless I got rid of some of those dogs that I have. 

I just shake my head and wonder why people say what they say.  They just don't understand.

Another person, after learning of my love for the 24 Paws, asked me, if someone offered me $500,000 for one dog would I take it?  I told him I wouldn't take a million dollars for one hair on their head.  He walked away shrugging his shoulders and rolling his eyes at how bizarre that sounded. 

Even though it may sound crazy, it is true.  All the money in the world couldn't replace the 24 Paws of Love.  My relationship that I have with each and everyone of our family of puppies is priceless.  Every day I learn a thing or two because of the unconditional love that I receive from Brut, Silver, Zappa, Fiona, Chance and Blaze.  Each of whom are so different in their own way but their love is all the same that they return back to me.  Sometimes I have a hard time believing I have been blessed to witness from birth the true meaning of what unconditional love is.  What kind of price tag can you put on that? 


KimT said...

You spoke the magic word - family. Next time ask those people how they can afford, or if they'd sell their own family! You know what's really important in this world ;)

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

The world needs a whole lot more people like you.

Woos~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

houndstooth said...

I agree, the love of a pet is priceless!

fromsophiesview said...


Lavinia said...

I agree with CindyLu's Muse. I would often ask people who don't like their dogs anymore because they are no longer cute puppies "should you throw your children out of the house because they are all grown up and not cute kids anymore?"

My own mom also keeps badgering me to give Aschiuta away...

Diana Chiew said...

That's why we have kept the remaining puppies. We just couldn't let them go since we have watched them grow in their mama's tummy and we have seen them come into this world. Only two of the puppies left us to my sisters'.

- Diana

Kristine said...

Who would ask such a question? Seriously. That's just unbelievably rude! They don't have to understand that your pets are your family but they should at least have the decency to keep their opinions to themselves. I just don't get why it is necessary to comment at all.

But maybe I'm just having a bad day. You dealt with this much more tactfully!

jen said...

I agree 100%! We often get asked how we can afford the big dogs, I don't know how I just do.
I wouldn't change for anything!
Can't put a price on unconditional love!!

Barbara said...

Obviously, those people are not pet people! You do everything for them first, just like kids!

Trixie, Lily, and Sammy-Joe said...

Why do some humans think it is so easy to "get rid of" a pet? We know our Mama would rather die than give us away OR sell us. Some people have six kids, and does anyone say to them, "You really should get rid of a few of those children. They will eat you out of house and home!" SOME PEOPLE!

Nico and The Bandit said...

Man, the nerve of some people! Sounds like they are in need of puppy kisses.

Pup Fan said...

A big amen to this post. People are real jerks to ask you something like that.

Yas said...

Bravo! Well said!!


Levi said...

Oh what a wonderful thought! I know my mom is cracker for me too :)

ForPetsSake said...

I posed the money question to Matty just a second ago, and he asked, "A million dollars for which dog?"
**eye roll**

Wyatt said...

Not for sale at any price!! You can't put a price, on part of the family! :)

Wyatt and Stanzie

Canidae Pet Blog Editor said...

Non-pet people just don't "get it." Like you, I would never, ever give up my cats for any sum. My Mom, a definite "non-pet" person, once said to me, when I was telling her about an expensive vet visit, "It would be cheaper to put him to sleep." I didn't speak to her for weeks.

Unknown said...

I'm sorry you didn't participate in the Pet Blogger Challenge because I would have loved to hear your comments about blogging.

If you check out some of the posts, however, you'll find lots of people who said they took up blogging because they were looking for other people who would understand their intense feelings for their animals. It looks like you've made a lot of friends here who totally "get it."

Linda said...

I'm so glad to hear someone else gets the same questions about their dogs. I had two Siberian Huskies (both are gone now) and I was always getting crap from friends about how much food they ate. Actually, they ate less food then the other dogs combined!!!! Those who see pets only as an expense don't understand the relationship between pets and their owner.

melfr said...

I'm so glad I am not the only one who would not part with her dogs no matter what the circumstance or money. My dogs have brought much joy and laughter into my life and there is no way I could see them as anything but family. I completely understand.