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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Daddy's New Year Resolution

What's the greatest way to get in shape?  Including dogs in your routine.  My idea didn't start out that way.  I was going do push-ups, back arms and crunches one day and then ride the stationary bike the next.  After following this routine for a week, while doing my push-ups, the thought occurred to me that instead of doing the bike tomorrow, why not walk the Back Dogs instead.  One dog at a time on a mile and half loop.

So that's what I did.  I walked Brut, Zappa, Fiona and Silver and it was the coolest exercise routine I've ever done.  They were really happy at this opportunity and were waiting in line for their turn.

Since my work schedule has been so hectic I've never really gotten the chance to walk any of the dogs on a regular basis.  Now I am finally getting that chance.  I'd always laughed at my wife about needing to work on training the dogs.  I tend to let the dogs walk any way they want.  Halfway through walking Brut, the first dog, I knew I was going to have to get with my wife's training program.

The best part of the walks is spending that quality one-on-one time with each dog.  We've been doing it for just over a week now and they have already picked up on which day is walk day.  So even if I don't feel like doing it, I can't let them down.  They have become great motivators and they are making sure I don't break any of my New Year's resolution.

I'll be keeping everyone up to date with our progress.

And a special thanks to everyone who is as dog crazy as us.  Dog bloggers are the best!

P.S.  Chance and Blaze are in special leash training with my wife and she won't let me near them at the moment, but don't worry they are getting their walks too.


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Walks are one of our favorite things to do with Mom and sometimes Dad comes along too. It IS a great way for pups and peeps to get some good exercise and to enjoy time with us. Our only problem is the ice and snow that keeps the Momster off the path:(

FYI, Thunder and Ciara are half-siblings, they have the same father but different mothers. Very similar in so many ways, but so unique at the same time.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

The Daily Pip said...

I am not big on long walks, but I do like to bark at mama while she is on her exercise bike. Keeps her on her toes.

Your pal, Pip

jen said...

Glad to hear that you have a walking rountine!
I love our walks because it gives us bonding time, and the boys just love it!

Kristine said...

It's so true. Dogs are the best motivation to exercise there is. Without Shiva, I would be a lazy slob. Good luck with your new routine! I bet the dogs are thrilled to help out.

Unknown said...

I don't know why anyone would exercycle in front of a tv screen when they could take a dog for a walk! Looks like you've gotten a great routine.

Good for you on sticking with your wife's training plans for Chance and Blaze. I used to go crazy to find Shadow had "unlearned" everything I taught her about not pulling every time I walked her after my husband.

Sounds like you two make a great team!

houndstooth said...

Walking with Treat was the best part of losing weight for me when I decided to to it. She was such a great cheerleader, and unlike our other Greyhounds, she'd stomp her foot and bark at me if I told her it was too hot to go out and walk (which it often was for her that summer). The girl would not let me get out of it unless I was sick in bed!

Trixie, Lily, and Sammy-Joe said...

Wow, that is a ton of walking! Your dogs shold be paid for being your personal trainers!

Pup Fan said...

Great resolution!

Scooter said...

Sounds like great exercise to me and the loves love it, thats what counts!!


KB said...

I couldn't agree with you more. It doesn't feel like exercise when you walk with a dog. It just feels like fun and bonding time. And, the dogs get you out to walk even when your motivation lags. Way to go!

the booker man said...

yuppers, us doggies are grrreat exercise pals! we will nevarrr evarrr woof NO to a walkie!! mama went all buggy eyed when she realized you were walkin' the back doggies for a total of 6 miles. that's cuz she's sort of a lazy pants. heehee. ;)

the booker man and asa's mama