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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Friday, January 28, 2011

Brut Fire

There are times when I have questioned why Brut was put in my life. His aggression with dogs has come far, but he still has a fire in his belly that roars like a lion. This exquisite creature is like a rare rose with jagged thorns that cut both ways. Most of the time the thorn just scratches the skin, then there are those days without warning they drive like a dagger.

What I have witnessed with Brut's fear aggression comes from a deep place of survival. A fight he never should have fought. His beginnings went against the natural order of life and placed him in a position that taught him to fight to survive. I understand because my beginnings were the same. It is difficult to give up the fire when it has brought you this far through life. I know how it feels when that encompassing fear flares up and threatens that fire.

It is that fire in our bellies that bonds Brut and I like DNA, burning with the need to survive. As odd as it may sound it is Brut's aggression that have helped me understand him and thus myself. I have found that when I forgive Brut, I forgive myself. It is this understanding between us that we have grown and healed in many ways, though we can never let go of that fire that brought us together in the first place.

We would like to give a big howl out to Julia from Canidae Pet Food Blog for using our post:  How Much Is That Doggie in the Window?  as inspiration for her post:  How Much Is Too Much To Spend On Pets?    She discusses her viewpoint after hearing of the questions that we get everyday about owning six dogs and being able to afford them.  Please stop over and check it out.


FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Ah, Brut came to you because he needs you, because you understand him and he you...
But then you know that.
Hawk aka BrownDog

jen said...

It is just awesome to read how well you connect with your dogs, you have a special talent that I wish I had.

Bailey Be Good! said...

Brut's lucky to have you! Woofs & hugs! ~Bailey

Kristine said...

I am oddly thankful for my dog's fears and behavoural issues. Without them I wouldn't have become nearly so passionate about training, nor would I have discovered so many wonderful things about her. If Shiva hadn't've been so irritatingly reactive, I wouldn't be the person I am today. Nor would I feel nearly as bonded.

Funny how things work out, isn't it?

Canidae Pet Blog Editor said...

I believe "most" things happen for a reason...so I think Brut is in your life precisely because he helps you to understand and forgive yourself, and through this special yet challenging relationship, you both are able to heal old wounds.

Thanks for the howl out today!

Budrow Wilson Spain said...

I am dealing with a similar situation. I took in three foster puppies last year that were not only extremely sick but very feral! I ended up adopting one of the puppies and I still have his brother as he just cannot seem to kick the mange he has. These two brother get into it SERIOUSLY into it from time to time. I just patched up a bite wound on Saturday. They both are fear bitters as well and do not take to strangers on walks. They start lunging, barking and foaming at the mouth as someone walks by. I fear for them as all we need is a police report that I have aggressive dogs in my home! I fear they will take them away from me and kill them. That would be devastating to me as these poor souls deserve a change at a happy loving home.

Trixie, Lily, and Sammy-Joe said...

Poor Brut. We are glad he found you and that you can keep him safe... even if he never does fully relax.

houndstooth said...

We saw that post the other day! :)

I wish you good luck with Brut. It's not something I've dealt with much with my dogs.

ForPetsSake said...

A good match then...glad you are together ;)

My own Nyxie has fear aggression, and it's something we struggle with daily. Better than before, we march on.

cherie said...

What a beautiful post. My dog Merry has "issues" with the rest but she is very special to us. Again, this is a beautiful post.

Lavinia said...

You and Brut are made for each other. Another wonderful post, you have a way of spoiling your readers with great stories :)