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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

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Monday, December 27, 2010

Monday Memories-Puppy Pictures

Silver's pregnancy x-rays

Yes, they are really in there. Three years ago at about this time this is what we saw when we got x-rays to find out how many puppies were inside. Although they don't show up on this photo, each black dot represents the center of a puppy head.    These pictures were taken at 45 days from the first day of breeding and was too early for a clear definition of the puppies skulls.  Their bones were just beginning to calcify and only made a slight impression on the x-ray.  The vet took three different shots hoping for a clearer pictures.  Though this x-ray only shows four puppies, they confirmed at the time there were six.  We later got x-rays done at 54 days confirming there were 10 puppy skeletons inside.  Their heads were near the bottom while their spines went up to Silver's backbone. 

54 day x-ray.  
Can you find 10 puppy heads?

At about the seventh week I was able to feel movement from the puppies closest to the pelvic region.  I could lay my hand on them and feel this flutter under Silver's fur.  At eight weeks I was able to feel a few of the puppies individually, but there was nothing like seeing that first x-ray and having solid proof they were really in there.  It was one thing to feel and know, it was another to actually see them.  I was unable to take my eyes off the x-ray pictures as reality began to really sink in.  It was exciting and scary and humbling all at the same time.  We were going to be Grandparents!!

There is something about those moments that quiet you and thrill you all at the same time.  Silver's entire pregnancy was such wonderful and beautiful experience. We were so honored to partake in the journey of the beauty of life that was created by two such unique dogs.  It was worth all the worries and fear, to have all of the love that surrounded us each day about the true meaning of life.  

I can still not put into words how seeing those x-rays made me feel and I don't know that I ever could.  The beauty and mystery of it, I can never forget. 


Anonymous said...

Wild! I've never seen a real doggy x-ray. And certainly not one with other doggy's inside. That must have been a very special time :)

Waggin at ya,

Pamela said...

Medical science is amazing. On one hand, it means no surprises (boo!). On the other hand, it means no surprises (yeah!).

Those are certainly the earliest puppy pictures I have ever seen!

The Daily Pip said...

Wow, I can imagine that was amazing!

Your pal, Pip

jen said...

What a great film! Thanks for sharing:)

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What a proud Hu-Mom - we can only imagine watching the miracle of that birth.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Coleen L. said...

Huh. I didn't realize you were a backyard breeder. It's a shame, I liked some of your other posts. Unsubscribing now.

Kristine said...

I've never seen puppy photos quite like this one before. It does kind of make you stop and wonder. Thanks for sharing this.

Lavinia said...

Wow, I didn't know they did dog pregnancy x-rays... Even if you can barely see anything in that image, I'm sure you (and Silver too, who knows?) were very excited about the puppies.

Congratulations for having new members in your family!

FiveSibesMom said...

Wow, that was amazing! Full of wonder, just like the season!

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hmmm, hard to fathom that you hairy Sibes ever looked like that...but my Human says I once did too. Awesome!

Hawk aka BrownDog