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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Just Hear Those Sleigh Bells Jingling...

We headed out in the truck for an errand we had to run.  We threw the dog sled, harness and lines in the truck along with Zappa.  We were going dog sledding! 

Now Zappa is more of a muscle man, he doesn't take to the lead very well, but having a single cab truck we could only take one dog and he's the easiest on the ride.  After we were hooked up, Daddy was at the corner of the road, while I got the pleasure of taking the first ride.  Zappa was a little anxious at first, but once we got moving he took to pulling well. 

Zappa needs to be directed and motivated to pull, which is what Daddy is for, giving him a target and a reason.  Which is what the lead dog would do if we had either Blaze or Fiona there.  The lead dog also sets the pace, so there wasn't much speed involved with just Zappa pulling. 

We took turns encouraging him while the other rode the sled.  Enough that he could get a good workout, without being too sore the next day.  For not having a lead dog to run with and his first time on the snow this year, Zappa did great.  Next time, we'll be sure to take Blaze or Fiona for him to run with.

Here's a short video of Zappa's run!  You'll have to forgive the shakiness, Daddy is still learning how to operate camera!!  BOL


Kira said...

I'm not able to watch the video on my terrible dial up internet, but it sounds like so much fun! I went dog sledding once, but I can only imagine having dogs of my own who were born for it :)


Pamela said...

Zappa looks happy to have a job. I can't wait to see him with an experienced lead dog!

How Sam Sees It said...

Sounds like Zappa did well! I bet he was pleased with himself!


Anonymous said...

Weeeeeeeee! Fun! Go Zappa Go! Way cool path y'all made :D

Waggin at ya,

Jan said...

What beautiful dogs. It really does look like a lot of fun.

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

Go Zappa Go!! He looks like he was having a good time too :)

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda, Brutus & Ellie

Kristine said...

Regardless, Zappa looks thrilled to be out there. No wonder. It would be a blast! I think I'd just laugh the whole time.

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...


Now I know I want my Humans to get me a sled to pull! What great fun!

Just wanted to stop while I have a chance to thank y'all for visiting and say a personal

Hawk aka BrownDog

Wyatt said...

That sounds like so much fun. I wish we had some snow. That would be a good workout for Wyatt!

Wyatt's Mom

Lavinia said...

Wow, I am so envious of you... Dog sledging looks like so much fun and Zappa is looking pretty enthusiastic.

I keep saying that if I fall on the slippery snow, Aschiuta would pull me around just like that, even if she is pretty small.

And btw, Merry Christmas!

Emma Rose said...

Great job Zappa! I sure wish we had some snow to play in.

Have a very Merry Christmas!

Emma Rose

Peggy Frezon said...

Sooooooo cute! What fun!

FiveSibesMom said...

Oh what fun it is to ride...!!! Zappa looks sooo happy! Can you come with your sled and bring some of the great white snow too?

PS - thanks for your kind words on our blog! I'm glad you enjoy it. I enjoy reading yours as well! Have a wonderful Christmas!

Brian's Home Blog said...

It looks like Zappa was doing a darn good job! Burrrrr on that white stuff though!