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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Friday, December 10, 2010

24 Paws of Success

We had an amazing day with the dogs today.  We rarely have company, but today a couple of friends came over for dinner.  These two friends have met each dog several times individually and not at our home.  We weren't worried, but the dogs act different together in their packs and at home then they do when they are alone and out and about. 

Since these friends weren't complete strangers, most of the battle was already won, but how would they take to these friends being in their home?  They were fantastic.  They didn't act any different then if it was just us home.  All of the dogs were comfortable and relax and seeing that they had already developed a bond with these friends made all the difference.  This made a very relaxing day and eliminated any concerns we might have had with the dogs. 

A simple experience that turned out beautifully.  We are both so proud of all of the dogs that gives us more confidence in them considering the limited exposure they have had to company in the house.  It was a great feeling to be able to trust them not realizing the prep work we had already done was going to pay off so well.  We are both pleased with the success and welcome the chance to do it again.


Pamela said...

Yay! It sounds like you're really experiencing a lot of blessings with your dogs this week.

I suspect that having the right friends visit was also important. Not every person bring a harmonious feeling when they visit.

Anonymous said...

Great paw shot! :)

That's wonderful you all had such a good experience with your guests :)

Spendin time with friends is special whether they're furry or not :)

Waggin at ya,

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

It's great to get that kind of feed back to validate all that you've done. Even though you may be loving what you do with the dogs, it can be hard work. The best part is knowing you've made a difference in the dogs' perception of humans.

I think congratulations are in order!

Kristine said...

That's fantastic! Good for you all.

It's a reminder for me to amp up our work on this. My dog is not a fan of houseguests. Even houseguests she loves every where else. It's a problem but since we have so few people over we haven't made fixing it a priority. Good for you and your dogs that you have.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That must have been so nice. We usually get all excited when new people first come but then we all settle down and act as if nothing is different. Makes for nice entertaining times.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hi Y'all,

Sounds like a fun day with some extra hands for extra pats and attention.

Y'all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog

Jan said...

Dogs with good social skills are a joy to be around. But obviously puppies are not born with social skills. Good job helping them.

KB said...

Hey, that's great! You've worked hard and it's paying off!

I love the pawprint.