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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Who is Zappa?

Who am I?

I asked myself this question on a walk with Zappa.  Just him and I on the trails of the forest.  I have seen the cute, puppy-like face, with that adorable expression and wise old eyes always giving kisses and hugs.  A heartwarming dog, gentle in manner, sweet and lovable.  His other attributes are outsmarting his father, Brut and defending himself against the sinister Fiona during playtime.  He tends to be a bit of a loner, like his mother Silver, which is how he comes to be pester by Fiona.  She wants to play.  He is all mouth and always starts the "Howling Choir" performance.  He can be tough when he needs to be but truly is more of a lover and an intense thinker, pondering the world around him.  This is the Zappa I see every day, until we are alone, pacing through the forest or streets of our neighborhood.  It then I begin to wonder, Who is Zappa?

The Bad Boy comes out

As we hit the trails, I began the notice the change.  Zappa seems to stand taller and his shoulders are broader, as if he's finally fitting into his own skin.  His nose is on fire as he calculates every scent he encounters.  His coat is bristled as if taking every sight and sound is radiating through the tips of  his fur.  He is electrified with the rush of the tale that is being filter through the collection of his senses.

I watch this metamorphic transformation as his primitive senses override the sweet, innocent puppy dog I know and witness Zappa come into his own.  His manner becomes brusque, like I am walking a bear.  His eyes dare me to question him.  He wants to be the one in control.  His demand is subtle but this proud dog is asking for my respect.
Respect me

This rebirth of Zappa happens every time we are away from the pack.  Most of the time it is difficult to detect.  It hasn't been until recently that I have picked up on his clues.  This walk he didn't hold back.  Everything in him was alive and charged.  The true Zappa ringing forth.

I have come to realize that I have a family of independent dogs and they are always asking my respect.  Whether it is as demanding as Brut and as delicate as Zappa, and I know I have a long ways to go with all of them.  Zappa taught me a valuable lesson, I have to earn my respect with him, just as much, if not more than I did with Brut.  Zappa showed me who he is, now it was my turn to show him who I am.  And I thought dogs were all about sit and stay...BOL!!  What an exciting journey to embark upon.

Earn it!


Noah said...

You sure are a good looking boy Zappa!

Unknown said...

What a boy with lots of interesting characters!!! While we're teaching our pets, we are learning from them too. Both parties are both teachers and students and this makes us bond together with each other. we love and respect each other too!!!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Powerful lessons we can learn from our pets. It seems that Zappa could have a totally different "persona" in a different pack arrangement.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

Awww, great post about a great boy!!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

Kristine said...

Zappa is a very strapping young lad. No doubt he's ready to make his mark on the world!

I love reading your perspective on your dogs. It's interesting. Every one is so different, with their own sense of self.

Unknown said...

I LOVE when Fred comes into a diffrent dog while working on pet therapy, its amazing.

So fascinating to pick up on those little things they do to show us who they really are.

Team Kenzo said...

What a wonderful story, I loved this. Zappa showing his charachter ... and you noticing !!

Peanut said...

Zappa is a wrinkle!

How Sam Sees It said...

He is a beautiful boy, that is for sure!


Levi said...

Isn't it amazing how much they show us who they are in everyday situations- it only takes us to take notice. They really do speak to us.
What beautiful pictures :)

Levi's mom

Sally said...

Wonderful story. He is a beautiful dog.

Nice woooh

Coco said...

What a handsome boy. Woof Woof

Road Dog Tales said...

Who is Zappa? We think he's one handsome boy! We all act different away from our pack, too!

The Road Dogs

Kristin G. said...

I LOVE this post. It really fits with my Dean Koontz post today, A True Dog Lover. Each dog really is an individual and can teach us so much. You have a beautiful pack here!