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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Friday, November 5, 2010


Now sing if with me...R-E-S-P-E-C-T find out what it means to me...

You can't have any relationship without respect.  I believe this includes your dog.  Where did I learn this valuable lesson?  Yep, you guess it, Mr. Brut.  That boy demanded respect from the time we brought him home.  He commanded to be heard, acknowledged, and the freedom to be the proud dog he is.  

Respect blew doors wide open between Brut and I and taught me about equality in a human-dog relationship. While I have always had a high respect for animals, Brut helped to take to another level.  I have never been comfortable with the master-slave relationship, but didn't honestly find the total freedom from this idea until we got Brut.  He taught me the true meaning of respect.  Loving unconditionally, trusting with affection and giving him the space to become the dog he is today.

Conventional training suffocated both of us.  It never gave us the space to grow or be ourselves.  It bound us. Our spirits are too restless and creative to conform to standards not to mention we weren't being true to ourselves.  Which I find is the key, being true to ourselves.  Being who we really are and accepting each other as we are.

I have struggle with this most of my life.  I have struggle with accepting Brut for how he is.  Dealing with his dog aggressions has not been easy.  I have hated that part of him for a long time.  The day I looked into those eyes and saw the aggressor in him, I didn't see a killer.  I saw a dog full of hurt and immense pain that made my heart stop.  He was suffering.  I understood his pain for it was my own.  I never looked at him the same again.

From there it took our relationship to another level of respect.  He taught me to give him more and he gave it back in return.  Each step leading us closer to healing with a higher regard for each other.  We were both trying to break free from that box of rules that others were trying to shove us in.  There is a deeper meaning to our relationship that can only be explained with our eyes.  I have carried this value on to each puppy that was born from our litter, each of our dogs, our cats, our duck, and every creature I have encounter.

Life is too short not to savor every precious moment.  To learn to understand and accept another.  There is nothing sweeter than a meaningful relationship that encompasses respect and love.  When Brut looked me in the eyes that day, I did not deserve the respect he gave me, but he gave it to me anyways.  I was humbled, because I hadn't earned it and he still gave it to me.  The ultimate love.  I believe he knew far greater my struggles with him than I knew and because he understood, he gave me what I needed most, respect.

To understand how my hate towards Brut came about you can read A Little Bit About Brut and Me.         


Anonymous said...

Incredible shot of Brut's eyes! Unconditional love is hard to come by. It's wonderful when you are given the chance to experience it :)

Waggin at ya,

Unknown said...

A great post! To RESPECT and be respected is an essence of life!!!

jen said...

It is amazing what dogs can teach us.
Glad to hear you and Brut connected, he seems like a very complex boy:)

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Great post - the amazing bond between a human and her beloved sibe.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Kristine said...

I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say it a million times more. My dog has taught me more about life than I could ever teach her.

Your posts about your relationship with Brut are inspiring.

Brian's Home Blog said...

All I can say is that is so very wise!

Peanut said...

Life is not as short as Peanut! I understand Brut has aggression, but that is only because all dogs are a fraction of wolves.

Team Kenzo said...

I hear you. Kenzo and Viva learned me respect too. They are Hovawarts, a very independent breed that doesn't want to please at all, and only thrive on a relationship based on mutual respect.

Once you have earned their respect and they give it back, it is such a wonderful feeling. Almost liberating.

24 Paws of Love said...

Kenzo-it had never occured to me why the need for such respect. Husky are independent breed as well. Thank you for the shedding the light. That makes perfect sense. I agree, it is very liberating.