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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Monday, November 1, 2010

Monday Memories-Fiona and Zappa-4 months old

Our last Monday Memories with Fiona and Zappa, Eva the Sheltie wanted to know more about Zappa and  Fiona.  You can always read more about Fiona and Zappa on their pages.

Fiona and Zappa were and still are the best behaved of the bunch.  After the last puppy from the litter left, they were three months old.  While they were rambunctious and crazy as a couple of puppies should be, they had a life of love from conception to birth to current.  They have never known any abuse or neglect and grew up well cared for.  Since we choose them from the start they have never experienced anything else.


Zappa and Fiona are the best of friends and do everything together.  They depend on each other.  They never fight, except for maybe a quick spat.  Fiona quickly claimed Zappa even before the last of the puppies from the litter were gone.

You, big brother, are MINE!!

Always together! 

Fiona taking the top.

The time with Zappa and Fiona as puppies seemed to fly by in a blur.  Training, walks and playtime seem to take up all our time.  Looking back, I wish I could go back and hold them a little longer and tell them how much I love them.  The time was so short before Blaze came back and everything turned upside down. 

I wouldn't trade Blaze and Chance coming back for anything in the world, but I miss that time before when it was just Zappa and Fiona.  They were perfect examples of puppies who were loved.  


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That is just so sweet. Dakota and Phantom, although not siblings, were quite bonded. And now Thunder and Ciara, half-siblings, seem to be the best of buddies in all ways possible. Even though Ciara is a pest, TD still is very attached to her.

We love your Monday memories and stories.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

jen said...

Zappa and Fiona look like great friends!

Sometimes I wish Sherman and Leroy had a bond like that.

Unknown said...

Thanks for telling us more about Fiona and Zappa. Those pictures of two of them are so sweet and precious. What two good friends they are.

houndstooth said...

They look like two peas in a pod!

Peanut said...

It's funny how all of the sudden they get along! :)

Levi said...

It truly shows what love and caring can do for us and what those of us who are abused can endure and get past. What great memories :)

SibeFamily said...

So adorable. And we just love the title of your blog!