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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Brut Cuddles

Brut has always tolerated being cuddled for about a minute or two. Being the independent alpha dog, he just can't bring himself to do it. He always had that look that said, ah, that's enough.

This past year as he has gotten older and his aggression and dominance are in check, I have begun to notice a difference. He is craving our touch. He wants to cuddle and he doesn't mind us falling over him. He has become more affectionate than he has ever been.

Brut has always been lovable and playful. He loves attention and getting petted, but anything that involved more closeness would make him take off after a couple of minutes. When he would be lying on bed, I would give him a quick belly rub, until I would get "the look." Now we can cuddle and share our affection. I am so amazed at how soft his fur is because he would never let me pet him long enough to remember. Now he can't get enough and he is eating it up.

Brut is happier than he has ever been. The transformations I have witness with him have completely blown me away. The dog that wanted to terrorize the world is letting the sweet, lovable creature in him show what an incredible dog he is. For the first three years of his life, I never would have believe that with his aggression and dominance we would ever reach any level of happiness and peace. Brut will always be Brut, but I love this softer, beautiful side he is showing. What the miracles of love can do.

We are giving a shout out for Noah who is asking for you to post on comment on their Cash for Comments and they will donate 50 cents for every comment they get to their local Humane Society. Please show your support, all it cost you is a comment!


Unknown said...

What a lovely Brut is and how tender and sweet he is now! I think he finally realised cuddles mean love and attention and he enjoys them now.

We just came back from Noah too. That's very sweet of you!

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hi Y'all,
Sometimes we fellas have to mature a wee bit before accepting all the attention we crave deep inside.
Hawk aka BrownDog

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That is wonderful to read. It is a sure sign of the good work you have done with Brut to bring out the best in him. Phantom has never been the alpha dog here, never really wanted to be. But he has always been the one who wouldn't come for pets and cuddles, a quick tummy rub and that was it. He will be 12 on Saturday and it has only been in the last year that we have seen this same change in him. He now craves attention, loves to be pet and loves ear scritchies. The tummy rubs are OK one day, not another - he has a tummy that really doesn't treat him very well, and if he is having an off day, no tummy rubs please. We are so enjoying his loving the attention.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Unknown said...

Sweet Brut!
Miss Haylie doesnt want to be fussed over or loved on - she isnt a touchy feely dog like Fred is and it kills me cause she is my girl dog :)

Noah said...

That must be such a great feeling! Thank you so much for your post and link to my "Cash for Comments". You are a great friend.....Noah

Kristine said...

That is such a lovely photo. It makes me want to hug him, even though I'm sure he wouldn't appreciate that sentiment. ;-)

My dog Shiva loves attention but only at certain times of day, in the morning after her walk and in the evening before bed. Otherwise she'd much rather just play, thank you very much.

Watching dogs change and grow is a great joy,
isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Lordy, can I relate to this. Our Katya was a stray, so far gone into the wild that she had to be trapped to bring her out, and it's been a long, slow road for her to accept affection. She's the only dog in the household, and has always been submissive, but fearful. And so when she does accept a pat or a rub, it still feels like a minor triumph.

But we're hardwired to love and be loved, I think, and if you feel secure and welcomed in your home place, that affectionate side is going to come out in time.
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dog beds and more

Pup Fan said...

What a lovely post... so happy to hear about Brut's transformation.