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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Special walks

Zappa ready to go

Having six dogs it is easy to get overwhelmed at times and being human has it's limitations.  Trying to meet all the dog's needs and our special circumstances of two packs can be difficult.  It seems they are always up and ready for action all at the same time while it seems my energy is spent or I'm busy with other things.  These are the days I have to break everything down and concentrate my energy on one or two dogs. 

There is something about that quality one-on-one time, usually by taking a walk, where I can catch my breath and relax.  A little get to know them time.  This helps me ease my mind knowing for that half hour or so someone is getting my undivided attention.  It is in these moments that I gain a personal connection that I don't normally have in our house of dogs and being able to focus on just one.  I think the same goes for the dog.  I believe they appreciate being singled out and spending that extra time with me.

This is why rides with Daddy are so popular around our house.  Everyone dances, sings and shakes for that quality time with Daddy.  They don't seem to care that they are left in the car while he does his jobs, they just enjoy his company without the competition of the other dogs.  There have been a few times when Daddy has taken two dogs at the same time and he said, it just isn't the same.  They will squabble for the front seat and then someone is left in the back which takes away from that special time together.

Today was one of those days.  I just couldn't do it all.  So Zappa and I took off for walk and then I came back and got Brut.  It was wonderful.  That simple quiet time of reconnecting with them as individuals.  Zappa becomes more independent away from Brut, marking everything he can.  Brut followed his path afterward and remarked everything for him.

Having this time together is very effective and helps to center me so that I am mentally ready to handle the two packs again.

Brut walking in the sunshine


Emma Rose said...

We all love individual attention too. It makes us feel special when we are the only one that gets to go somewhere!

Emma Rose

Busy Buttons said...

I bet all the furry kids LOVE that special attention! Good idea, giving them undivided attention via walks and rides. I really love my walks and rides with Mom!

Khady Lynn said...

We totally get it since there are 6 of us too. That one on one time is definitely important!


Hailey said...

Special time is always the best time of the day!

Hugs & smoochies!! XOXO

Dakota and Georgia said...

Dakota and Georgia here. We rarely get time alone with our mom or dad--it's always the two of us together on walks, on drives, etc, because it's just easier that way. But when we get to go by ourselves, we are super well-behaved to show our appreciation. Thanks for joining our blog and telling us about yours. Go huskadors!

Unknown said...

We all need special attention and that special one-to-one moment. It's always lovely to spend time with each one of them separately and they enjoy being the only one as well.

Brian's Home Blog said...

It sounds like everyone gets to have a good time, which is always so good!

Anonymous said...

Good ol' one on one time :) Nothin beats it cept for maybe a steak ;)

Thinkin the gang looks very chipper :)

Waggin at ya,

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We often walk together as a threesome, but lately Mom has taken to given us each some one-on-one time too. It really is fun to have that time alone with the Momster. Sometimes ti is two at a time and then just one of us gets the solo walk, It is nice to mix it up, but the best part is getting the walk:)

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

KB said...

I've always wondered how you amazing folks with many dogs manage because I love my one-on-one time with each dog. Now I see that you somehow manage to fit that in too! You are amazing.

The connection from one-on-one time is a wonderful thing!

Team Kenzo said...

You take the words out of my mouth with this post. And I only have two dogs, not six like you ! The one-on-one gives wonderful moments, I tend to prefer to divide my time between them, then to take them on all together. They also seem to get much more out of it that way.