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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

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Friday, October 15, 2010


Blog the Change

Be the Change for Animals is hosting it's BLOG THE CHANGE FOR ANIMALS today.  A day to sponsor your cause or passion for animals. 

24 Paws of Love believe in EDUCATION FOR FUREVER HOMES, whether you get a puppy, rescue or shelter dog or a senior dog, we would like to see more owners keep their pets for their lifetime.

There's nothing like getting that cute, fuzzy puppy to find him biting and chewing on you, your kids or your new shoes.  What do you do?  

Or you've found the perfect shelter or rescue dog wagging his tail at you with that sparkle in his eye, only to find he is aggressive with your cat and tears your house to pieces when left alone.  Should you take him back?

The gentle older dog, so quiet and gentle suddenly barks guarding the door when your friends stop by.  How do you make him stop?

EDUCATION is key.  Learning about your dog's breed and understanding the role it plays in your dog's behavior will help.  

Talk to your vet, make sure there isn't any medical reason for the behaviors.

Talk to trainers, dog behaviorist, other dog owners to find what works for you and your dog.

Keep learning.  Keep trying.  Your dog is counting on you not to give up on them and aren't they worth it?  

Having a dog has many challenges and struggles.  There are always behavior issues when you own a dog.  Training doesn't stop after six months.  They are a commitment and a responsibility.  Dogs only want to please you and be part of your life, show them you care by taking the time to get to know them.  They will be your best friend for life with a little extra time and understanding.  

Please think carefully about before getting any pet and be honest with what you about the attention you are willing to give.  Every pet deserve a FUREVER HOME.   Do you have one? 

Want to learn more about BLOG THE CHANGE FOR ANIMALS?  Click on the above badge for a link to BE THE CHANGE FOR ANIMALS.   


The Daily Pip said...

Great post! Thanks for sharing.

Your pal, Pip

Unknown said...

A pawsome post! Think twice before getting a pet home and give him your love forever once it's with you.

Pup Fan said...

Fantastic post! I agree with everything you said.

FiveSibesMom said...

Great post! Happy Friday!

Brian's Home Blog said...

That was a wonderful post gang, should be required reading!!!

Deborah Flick said...

Great advice---think before you adopt a pet. Get real. Thanks.

Unknown said...

Thank you very much for this post. Very touching.
We dogs just want to be with our families and no matter what we love them. And as we grow older all we ask is for some extra love.
People tolerate so much, do so much,accept so much from their fellow humans...wish they would just stop being judgemental about us dogs when we have some behavioural problem and just help us.
with love, we always heal:)

we loved those puppy pictures a lot too,
Buddy n Ginger