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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Friday, September 24, 2010

Thank you for our Award

We are honored by all the awards we have received and then to receive another one from The Blab Labs well, we just had take a play bow at the wonderfulness of this dog blogging community.  We don't feel we are any more special than any of the other dog blogs out there, but we appreciate the award. 

Dog blogging has become a wonderful resource in helping my with my depression.  The love, care, and joy from writing and reading other animal blogs is contagious and lifts my spirits because we are not alone in our crazy, insane love for our animals. Sometimes my animals and blogging are the only highlight of my day and this experience has given me has become a valuable tool in coping with my disorder.

I think that all of you rock when it comes to blogging and I love this "little" animal community.  This has been such a wonderful adventure and I would like to share my thanks for it. 

With that, Here are the rules (copied from The Blab Labs):

1.Please thank the dog who gave this to you, and link to them.

2.Name 10 things about yourself. Try to be as creative as possible.

3.Then, award 15 doggie bloggers. It doesn't matter whether they are old or new. All furends deserve this.

4.Comment on the new receivers of this award's blog to let them know of the love.

5.And the most important: HAVE FUN!!!
Thank you The Blab Labs for this wonderful award.
10 things you may not know about us:
1.Brut reminds Silver every chance he gets that he wants to make more puppies.

2.  Silver lets Brut know every chance she gets that labor with 10 kids was enough.

3.  Fiona and Chance would make excellant food detectives.

4.  Despite the terror that Brut is,  Fiona is the only dog who can scare the beegeezes out of him.

5.  All the dogs put on their best show to be chosen for a ride with Daddy.

6.  We think it is adorable that Blaze is mothering three different squeaky toys during the last weeks of her false pregnancy.

7.  Blaze is obsessed with the cats and isn't allowed in the same room with them yet.

8.  Brut and Zappa like to act out their own version of  "Whose the Boss?"

9.  Chance and Blaze could get a job at a restuarant clearing tables, plates, silverware...

10.  Silver never gave us kisses until she watched all her puppies give them.

We believe all the dog blogs deserve this award, but we are working real hard on following the rules.  BOL 
Here are some of our picks:

(A playbow exit.)


Maggie Mae and Max said...

Yay fur all of you! It wuz fun to learn all dose things 'bouts all of you too!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

houndstooth said...

Congratulations on the award! We enjoyed learning more about you!


jen said...

Congratulations on your award!
I loved reading more about you:)
especially the part about Brut reminding Silver that he wants to make puppies:)

Pup Fan said...

Congrats, and thank you for passing it on to us! You're too sweet! :)

Brian's Home Blog said...

Congratulations on the great award...but don't tell Blaze I stopped by!

Jennifer Taylor said...

You have some beautiful dogs. Congrats on the award.

KB said...

Congrats on the well deserved award! I love the funny factoids about your crazy pack! They sound hilarious!

fureverhomes said...

Congrats to you! I love reading your blog. And thank you so much for giving me my first award!

Kira said...

Thank you! This is awesome :) I have to leave the land of the internet in a few minutes, but I will pass it along in the next few days!


Liz said...

Wheeeeee! Bogart and I thank you for thinking of us! Bogart gives a big paws up. We have really enjoyed the dog blog community as well. Like you said, it's wonderful to see other dog crazy people out there. :)

Scooter said...

Thanks so much for award. I am honored to recieve it. I too love the blogging world and it is alot of fun!!


pibble said...

Congratulations and thank you for sharing it with us! We love your Fact #9 because we think our pooches could get the same jobs! Maybe we could open a restaurant together... :)

Unknown said...

Congrats on the award!! Thank you so much for the award and I will post about it in the next few days. thank you for all your kind words you said to us. We love your blog and always look forward to the inspiration and devotion you have with your packs.

Emerald said...

You are Welcome! I have to agree, the support in this blogging community never ceases to amaze me!