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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Love of Two Packs

There are many different aspects to having two separate dog packs.  Each dog is unique, individually and within their pack.  Though I try to divide my time equally between them both, there are certain days I find myself being drawn to one pack or the other.

Front Dogs-Chance and Blaze

When I'm struggling through a rough day, I find myself drawn to the Front Dogs.  I find a strength and comfort in them due to their heightened sensitivity and nurturing instinct.  They seem to understand the pain I am feeling because of they are able to relate to it coming from abusive homes.  I have also found they have a stronger appreciation for being taken care of and they rarely "demand" anything of me.  They are full of life and exuberant at expressing it.  Whether it is in playtime or quiet time.  They are always grateful for any time spent with us and being loved.  How simple.  How wonderfully beautiful.

Back Dogs-Fiona, Zappa, Silver, and Brut
 (our only recent picture of all four Back Dogs together.)

Since the Back Dogs have all been with us from the beginning and always have had their needs met, there is a strong stability within them.  While the Front Dogs can be high strung and anxious, I find myself lured to Back Dogs and a sense of security.  When life seems uncertain or the walls are closing in it is the maturity of the Back Dogs that stands out.  There is a unbreakable foundation that exist between the four of them that lets me know everything is OK.  There is a firm trust and an undeniable calm within their pack that can bring my frayed emotions to an inner peace again.  It is powerful and stunning.

The dynamics between the Front Dogs and the Back Dogs is a unconditional.  How simple and expressive each pack is in their own distinctive way.  I have also become aware how dependent I am on these differences to meet my own needs and to fulfill theirs.  I am mystified by the rich diversity of love and energy  both packs offer.  They may seem divided, but are united through us.        


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Interesting ... Thanks for Sharing. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Unknown said...

Thats so awesome!! Do you think one day you will combine the pack? I know that each of my dogs provide diffrent comfort for me for diffrent emotions and I love that!

houndstooth said...

Why are they separate? Just curious!

I do find myself drawn to different dogs here at home at different times!

24 Paws of Love said...

I hope that some day we will be able to combine the two packs, Hound Girl. We have been working on it slowly.

The simple answer houndstooth, they don't get along. Blaze and Chance (Front Dogs) came back to us from on own litter of pups and we have not been able to put them together yet.

Peggy Frezon said...

I love how you recognize in each the different strengths and personalities.

Road Dog Tales said...

Wow, Mom & Dad have a hard enough time taking care of one pack, not sure what they would do with TWO! You have your hands full, but in a good way - at least we think so :)
The Road Dogs

24 Paws of Love said...

Thanks Road Dogs. We think so too!

Life With Dogs said...

I think this is a perfect example of that "the more the merrier" philosophy. Dogs are goodness, one can never get too much of that...

24 Paws of Love said...

We couldn't have said it better ourselves, Life with Dogs.