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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Monday, September 27, 2010

Cat Crazed Blaze

Blaze isn't allowed around the cats because she becomes crazy around them.  She wasn't taught how to be around cats.  She waits by their door throughout the day and night waiting for the chance to play with them.
I see kitty paws...

Here kitty, kitty...I just want to play with you...

I even save my doggie biscuit for you...

I'm going to wait right here for you until you come out and play with me.

Mommy, I think I hear them calling my name, hurry and open the door.
I promise to be good this time.  (paws crossed)


Brian's Home Blog said...

Hmmmmmmm, I don't know about that Blaze?!?!?!?

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We think you look like you just want to have fun, Blaze. We have a lot of kitty furiends we know through our blog, but we aren't sure we can be trusted to play nicely either:(

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Umm....Blaze I thinks you and I feels da same way 'bouts dose kittehs. ;)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Unknown said...

haha, Mine havent been around them except for some ferral ones that got caught in the yard by my duo and it didnt end pretty.

Emerald said...

What would happen if the door was opened?

24 Paws of Love said...

Blaze would try to grab one of the cats!!

Khady Lynn said...

I had a kitty for a while, but he has very old and stayed in his own room too, with a baby gate so we couldn't get in. I don't think it's fair the humans don't let us play with them!

Thanks so much for the aware also! I will try too get something posted soon!!


24 Paws of Love said...

Holly and Khandy-No it isn't fair. They just don't seem to understand that we just want to play. :) The cats have their own room with access to the Back Dogs area. They grew up with the kitties and are a little more tame with the cats.

Anonymous said...

My Macy (11-year-old lab mix) is just like Blaze around kittens. Macy is used to my cats and doesn't bother them, but my foster kittens are another matter entirely! Happily for Macy, one of my current fosters actually loves to be licked, slobbered over, and chased by Macy; when I tried to rescue her from Macy's attentions, I found her laying on her back with her legs sprawled wide and purring up a storm! :-) Janice.